About how to cook cauliflower

Cauliflower is a relative of broccoli andcabbage, it is used as an independent dish, as well as in the preparation of salads, first and second courses. Almost everyone knows that such a vegetable is rich in various amino acids, cellulose, vitamins and pectin and mineral substances, but not everyone knows how to choose and how to cook cauliflower.

The inflorescence of cabbage is covered with coarse leaves, which cover the buds themselves, therefore it has mainly white color. Less common are green, orange and purple cauliflower.

Choose a vegetable you need strong, inflorescenceswhich adjoin closely to each other and do not have spots or other defects. The size of cabbage does not matter. Therefore, before cooking a cauliflower for a child, you need to pay attention to all these little things.

It is recommended to store cabbage in a cold placeinflorescence up, but remember that the earlier it is used, the more it will contain useful substances. Most often in the cooking only the flowers of this vegetable plant are used, but the stems are not less rich in nutrients, so they can be added to soups.

Let's consider in detail how to boil cauliflower.

Before cooking cabbage, it is washed, cut intoinflorescences and lowered for ten minutes into salted water. After a while, the water is drained and the vegetable is washed again with water. Inflorescents are dropped into boiling water and cooked for ten minutes or cooked for a couple of cabbages. At the same time cooking a dish for a couple allows you to store in the vegetable all components useful for the body. It should be noted that the resulting vegetable broth can be used to make soups, as well as various sauces.

Before cooking cauliflower, boilingwater is added to the bay leaf, bread or milk, this will eliminate the unpleasant smell of sulfur, which secrete the substances contained in it. Water should be taken in small quantities, as it draws most of the minerals from the vegetable. Cabbage can not be digested, otherwise it will lose its shape and texture.

Some simple tips will help to prepare a tasty and healthy dish:

1. Cabbage often begins to brew, plunging it into cold water. In this case, the vegetable will look beautiful. And if it is cooked over a large fire with an open lid, the cooking time will be significantly reduced (up to three minutes).

2. Before extinguishing cabbage, it can be soaked in milk, then it will become more gentle. And in a dish with such an ingredient add a spoonful of mayonnaise to make it softer.

3. Roast the cabbage after it is rolled in an egg and flour. This will contribute to the formation of an appetizing crust.

4. Willingness of the vegetable is determined by piercing the tip of the knife with a knuckle. The cooked vegetable is placed on a sieve in order to make all the glass with it.

In any case, to prepare such a vegetable cultureyou can in any way, from cooking and finishing with frying. You can eat it even raw, and cooked cheese, various sauces or sour cream to cooked.

Knowing how to cook cauliflower, you can fillyour body with vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium and many other useful substances. In addition, this vegetable culture contributes to the elimination of cancer cells, removal of toxins from the kidneys and liver, strengthening of the heart muscle and blood vessels, normalization of the digestive tract.

Thus, it now became known howboil cauliflower. There is nothing complicated in this, just remember a few rules for its culinary processing. A properly cooked dish will provide reliable protection of the body from various diseases.

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