Cauliflower, marinated for the winter: raznosoly on our table

Cabbage is always present in our diet. However, white cabbage is used to a greater extent. This is unfair to other members of this family. Cauliflower contains a large number of vitamins. When properly prepared, they are preserved, and the dish turns out not only tasty, but also useful. Cauliflower, marinated for the winter, is a very good snack, suitable even for a festive table. Let's consider some recipes.

Cauliflower marinated for the winter
Tsar's dish

Cauliflower, marinated for the winter,prepared in the manner described below, is a truly royal dish. For its preparation we take an average fork of cabbage, two onions, three sweet peppers, 10 grains of pepper, 1.5 large spoons of salt and sugar (per liter jar), several pieces of bay leaves, 50 ml of vinegar 9% (per liter jar).

Prepared marinated cauliflower quickly. We pour cold water for a while. Then divide it into inflorescences of medium size. After that, pour them with boiling water for 10 minutes. In the meantime, we clean the pepper and cut it with rings.

For beauty, you can take a multicolored pepper. Onions are also peeled and cut into rings. We prepare banks, better than a liter, but this is not a principle. Now we put two laurel leaves in each jar, a few peppercorns, a little onions and rings of Bulgarian pepper. Then put a layer of cauliflower. So do layer by layer until the bank is full. Then sift into each jar a large salt, sugar and pour vinegar. Pour to the edge of the water and put it in a cold place.

Marinated cauliflower quickly
The dish will be ready in a day, but you can close it for long storage. Cauliflower, marinated for the winter, every day becomes even more delicious. Therefore, storage will only benefit.

Cauliflower in tomato

This recipe will make a very tasty marinated cauliflower. Sunsets for the winter are made in the autumn period, in order to enjoy the fine taste of this vegetable in the cold season.

Marinated cauliflower
It will take a kilogram of cabbage, 20 grams of salt andsugar, 750 grams of tomatoes, half a small spoon of coriander and a few grains of sweet-scented pepper. We put a pan of water on the fire and add to it a lemon acid (1 g per liter). Cut cabbage into inflorescences and dip it into boiling water for 3 minutes. Then immediately put it into cold water to preserve the white color.

Now we will deal with tomato filling. Tomatoes cut into parts and warmed in a saucepan under a lid on a small fire. After that, we rub them through a sieve. It turns out tomato juice. Add salt, spices and sugar to it, boil for 2 minutes. Fill the sauce in the jars. After this, put the cabbage sterilized for 15 minutes. But you can not do this if you add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to the filling. We roll the jars and let them cool. Cauliflower, marinated for the winter, is stored in a cold place.

Cabbage with nuts

We take 700 g of cabbage, 200 g of onion, 30 g of salt, twospoons of vinegar and 100 g of walnuts. Cut cabbage on the inflorescence and blanch about 5 minutes. Add to it chopped onions and garlic, chopped nuts, spices. We mix everything and put it into cans. Sterilize them for about 15 minutes and roll them up.

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