Salad "Cap of Monomakh": it's worth to try it

There is a huge variety ofsalads. All of them so at once and not pereobuesh, and yet for her life a woman must learn how to cook different kinds of it. For example, I suggest you try to prepare a salad "Monomakh's Hat". Very tasty and simple, guests and your family will love it.

Why does a salad have such a name

Each salad is given a specific name,so it's easier to find it, and it will not be confused with any other salad. What is the cap of Monomakh, you know. And the salad got that name because it is its culinary counterpart. In other words, outwardly it resembles what Monomakh was wearing at the time.

How to prepare a salad "Monomakh's Cap"

On the Internet you will easily find differentways of making this wonderful salad. Here I will give only the correct recipe "Cap of Monomakh", which you should definitely take note of, and for more variety I will introduce the same salad with the production, but only with the addition of prunes.

Recipe 1

Prepare the following products:

  • One beetroot
  • 3 potatoes
  • 150 g of hard cheese
  • 3-4 eggs
  • 1 carrot
  • 300 g of meat (pork, chicken)
  • One grenade
  • 50 g walnuts
  • Mayonnaise
  • Slice of garlic
  • Salt
  • Green peas for decoration


  1. Boil meat, potatoes, beets and eggs.
  2. Cut off the meat cut into strips or just tear it.
  3. Vegetables, also pre-chilled, grate, but do not mix with each other.
  4. Eggs clean, separate separately protein and yolk.
  5. Cut the walnuts, but not into powder.
  6. Garlic let through garlic, mix with mayonnaise.
  7. Rub cheese on a beetroot.

Let's start laying out the layers of our salad. Lay out on a flat plate in the following order:

  • part of grated potatoes (about half);
  • grated beets;
  • half carrot (it also grate, but do not boil);
  • part of walnuts (if desired, if you do not like them much, then do not put much);
  • half of meat;
  • the remaining potatoes;
  • yolks;
  • a portion of grated cheese;
  • the remainder of the meat;
  • the remainder of grated carrots.

Be sure to cover every layer with mayonnaise, including the top of the salad.

Note that each layer must be a few already previous. Those. The salad created by you should get the form of a cone with a semicircular top.

Mix the remaining cheese with a small amountmayonnaise and lay out of it around the salad edge (like a hat). Then you need to put on the edge of grated protein, and then sprinkle it all lightly with walnuts.

That your salad "Cap of Monomakh" looked morebeautiful and really looked like a headdress, decorate it with pomegranate seeds, carved with beet figurines. Serving on the table, if, of course, you will like it so, you can decorate the salad with green peas as well.

How to prepare a salad "Monomakh's cap" with prunes

Try to make a salad "Cap of Monomakh" and this recipe. And suddenly you will like this method more. For example, my best friend just adores him.

Products: one hundred grams of prunes, dried apricots, walnuts, hard cheese, 4 boiled carrots, 2 beets, pomegranate seeds, some greens, mayonnaise.


Scrub separately vegetables, as well as proteins. Finely chop the dried apricots and prunes, cut the greens with a knife. Mix the dried fruit with half the protein. Lay the salad layers in this way:

  • carrots mixed with dried apricots;
  • protein;
  • beets mixed with prunes and walnuts;
  • yolks.

Spread the salad slide. At the edges make a small edge of protein mixed with greens. We decorate the salad with strips of cheese, prune grains. On the very top you can put whole pieces of walnut.

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