Cobra seasoning: hot sauce for the winter

Fans of the sharp must have at least heard ofthis recipe. Past this seasoning is difficult! Moreover, its preparation will not take much time, and its composition does not include anything costly, difficult to access or exotic. We can say that the seasoning "Cobra" was born on our vast expanses, by our culinary specialists and created only from our products.


Classical Cobra

6 kilo tomatoes are washed and cut so thatslipped into the hole mincers. Remove the attachment point of the pedicels only if they are too coarse. The resulting mashed potatoes are placed on the fire and boiled for half an hour. While the sauce is quietly boiling, three hundred grams of garlic and extremely sharp pepper, peeled of seeds, are twisted on the same meat grinder. Together with them, five spoons of salt and 12 sugar are added to the seasoning. If you doubt the amount of sand, add gradually, stirring and trying. The resulting "Cobra" seasoning does not need vinegar for the winter, it is perfectly preserved without it. It is necessary only to pour on sterile cans, to cork and put in the basement. In theory, the twist does not spoil and without coolness, but no one can guarantee this, so if you have a cellar - do not ignore it.

How to do without cooking

Condiment "Cobra" does not have to be cooked. If you prefer fresh taste, you can do otherwise. All the ingredients in the same ratio are passed simultaneously through the meat grinder. The mass is salted; sugar is not a prescription, but you can add it if you want. The spicy seasoning "Cobra" is packaged on cans, and it should not reach the top. She is standing in the kitchen for four days, she does not need to be hidden in the coolness. All this time the sauce wanders. The speed of the process depends on the temperature in the room, so that its readiness is determined visually: how it will be stratified - it means it is ready. Drain the fluid that settles on the bottom, do not. The contents of the jar are simply mixed, the containers are closed with plastic lids and placed in the refrigerator. Unfortunately, the "Cobra" seasoning made according to this recipe should be used for a couple of weeks, from strength - a month. Longer it is not stored.

spicy condiment

Cobra sauce with aspirin

Acetylsalicylic acid is needed as apreservative. So we can say that this seasoning "Cobra" - for the winter. This time through the meat grinder will not only be 10 kilos of tomatoes, half a kilogram of garlic and hot pepper, but also horseradish - its number is determined by its liking for this root. Three tablets of aspirin are rubbed into the dust, along with salt and a glass of sunflower oil are added to the mass. The "Cobra" seasoning is mixed as carefully as possible, so that the added evenly distributed throughout the volume. Spill on sterile cans, roll up - and in the pantry. Cold storage is not necessary.

condiment seasoning

Cobra from green tomatoes

Usually this seasoning is made from red tomatoes andacts as a sauce. However, there is also a green hot snack with the same name. For her, two and a half kilos of green small tomatoes are cut into slices. Two long hot peppers crumble or squares, or rings (if they are narrow enough). Three heads of garlic are sorted into denticles and pressed through the press. In a large container, all the ingredients are mixed, half a glass of vinegar is poured into it and sugar and salt are poured in - and one and the other for 3 large spoons, only the salt is incomplete, and the sugars - with a slide. The appetizer is left alone, so that all the ingredients let the juice in and mutually imbibe them. Only after this, the billet or begins to eat, or unfolds on sterilized jars and rolls up.

So if you are a fan of not only hot sauces, but also spicy snacks, you can prepare both for the winter, and under the same name.

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