Tonkatsu is a Japanese sauce. Recipes

How correctly to make sauce thinkatsu? The answer to this culinary question is not known to all the hostesses. This is due to the fact that such filling is very popular only in Japan. If you are not alien to Japanese cuisine, then you can easily learn how to cook Tonkatsu (sauce) yourself. We will talk about how to do this in this article.

tonkatsu sauce

General information about the Japanese dish

What is thinkatsu? Sauce in Japan began to be called such a term only after the same dish was created, which is a pork chop, deep-fried. It should immediately be noted that this is a fairly popular meal among the inhabitants of the said state.

How do thinkatsu? The sauce is prepared quite easily. It's much harder to make the cutlet itself. To do this, pieces of the beaten pork fillet are first dumped in ordinary wheat flour, and then in a special pancake flavor. Finished products are deep-fried.

Usually such a dish is served to the table along withslice of lemon, chopped cabbage and Worcestershire sauce, which is very popular in Japan. Also in some restaurants it is served the same name refueling thinkatsu. The sauce, made according to all culinary rules, gives the meat a special taste and aroma.

It should also be noted that the dinner in question can be used together with ordinary boiled rice.

Delicious and fragrant thin-sauce sauce: recipe for step-by-step cooking

Few people know, but the refueling can be prepared in many ways. The simplest and most accessible is the one for which implementation is required:

  • ketchup dense - about 4 large spoons;
  • soy sauce - about 2 large spoons;
  • wine white dry - about 20 ml;
  • salt and black pepper - apply to your liking.

Tonkatsu sauce

The process of filling

Tonkatsu sauce, the composition of which was presentedabove, is done pretty quickly. First you need to prepare all the ingredients, as well as a deep container in the form of a bowl. It is alternately added thick ketchup, white dry wine and soy sauce.

Thoroughly mixing the components, they put onweak fire, then slowly bring to a boil. Boiling ingredients about 2-3 minutes, they are removed from the plate and completely cooled. After tasting the sauce, add black pepper and a little salt (if desired).

After mixing the ingredients and dissolving in the spice dressing, it is placed in a refrigerating chamber. After a couple of hours, the sauce is taken out and poured over individual cups (bowls).

A ready-made Japanese refueling can be served to the table with any dishes. It is ideal for fish, meat and vegetable dinners.

We make a delicious and flavorful vegetable tomato sauce

As it was said above, the fuel station under considerationcan be prepared in many ways. Using these or other ingredients, you are able to independently give the Japanese sauce a special richness, unique aroma and piquant taste.

Tonkatsu sauce is known not only in Japan, but also in European countries. By the way, it was the European chefs who added this filling station with new and fresh notes.

So, to make an unusual vegetable sauce at home, you need to buy:

sauce thinkatsu composition

  • Worcester sauce - 2 large spoons;
  • oyster sauce - 1 large spoon;
  • ketchup thick - 2 large spoons;
  • white sugar - 1 large spoon;
  • soy sauce - 20 ml;
  • myrin - 1 large spoon;
  • mustard - 5 g;
  • Ginger, garlic powder, cloves, ground cinnamon, nutmeg - use it in your personal discretion.

Cooking method

How should you make the famous Tonkatsu sauce? To ensure that this dressing turned out delicious and aromatic, you must strictly comply with all prescription requirements.

To begin with, a Worcester sauce must be placed indeep cup. Then you need to add sugar to it. In order for the sweet bulk product to completely dissolve, both ingredients should be thoroughly mixed. Do it better in a closed container (for example, in an ordinary bank).

As soon as the liquid becomes homogeneous, oyster sauce is added to it. Shaking the container again with refueling, a thick ketchup is spread over it.

Mixing the components, get a not very liquid, but not a thick mass. It is sent to a cold store and held for a few hours.

After cooling the sauce, it is poured into a special bowl of small dimensions.

Tonkatsu Recipe

If such a refueling is served to the festive tableor, for example, a romantic dinner, it should be decorated with sesame seeds. By the way, such grains can be placed on the surface of the sauce in the form of the symbol "yin-yan".

To get a more flavorful Japanese gas stationwith a rich taste, after ketchup it is recommended to add one or more of the following ingredients: ginger, garlic powder, cloves, ground cinnamon, nutmeg. Adding a small pinch of these products, you noticeably change the taste and aroma of the sauce for the better.

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