Little tricks: how to cut pineapple

Pineapple, being a juicy and sweet fruit,accelerates the process of digestion, normalizes blood pressure, promotes the cure of infectious diseases, diseases of the central nervous system and respiratory tract. In addition, pineapple contains not only vitamins, but also many other useful elements. However, not everyone knows how to choose and how to cut pineapple.

When choosing pineapple, it is necessary to check it onjuiciness. To do this, the fruit slaps one by one, and the sound must be deaf. You also need to determine the ripeness of the fruit, its skin should be yellowish and soft, and the tops - dense green.

Considering the question of how to cut pineapple,it can be noted that there is no single answer to it. Currently, there are many ways how to do this, and which one to choose depends on the culinary preferences. But before that, it is necessary to clean the fruit from the peel and separate.

In the beginning, cut the bottom of the fruit,so that he would stand well on the cutting board and easily cut off the skin. The skin of this overseas fruit is stiff and thick, so it is placed on a board, and holding the stem, cut the top layer of skin (about 3 mm.) From top to bottom. It should be noted that the pineapple will then be covered with black dots placed diagonally. Before cutting pineapple, these diagonal rows need to be cut, making grooves about 5 mm deep. Then the top layer of the fruit is cut off.

After all done, you need to cut out the middle. To do this, the pineapple from the top down is cut into four parts, inside of which the hard middle will be visible, and it is necessary to remove it.

Let's consider several ways how to cut pineapple after it is cut:

1. Trimming with triangles. It is the most common way, because small pieces are quite convenient to eat.

2. Cutting in circles. With such cutting, the fruit will have a beautiful appearance, but it is somewhat inconvenient, since it results in a large amount of juice.

3. Cut into quarters. Ripe and peeled pineapple is cut into four parts, each of which is later cut into small pieces.

4. Cut into slices. The fruit is cut to its full length, which can bring a small inconvenience to its use, most often from such lobes break off small pieces that they use.

5. Slicing with squares. Cut the peeled pineapple into quarters, each of them cut into small squares. This method is quite convenient and is used, for example, to cut fruit into a salad or other dish.

Regardless of how to cut pineapple, itscan be used as raw material for the preparation of cervical, juices or a variety of dishes. But it should be remembered that the skin of this fruit contains bromelin, when it hits the mucous membrane, its inflammation occurs. Therefore, it is recommended to use two knives to cut pineapple.

Pineapple, being quite popular onthe present day with fruit, contains a large amount of water, as well as monosaccharides, organic acids, vitamins, bioactive and mineral substances, so this fruit has medicinal properties. So, it helps purify the intestines and kidneys, splits proteins well, that's why the human body absorbs them better. After eating, it is recommended to eat a slice of pineapple to reduce the formation of gases in the intestines, and it also helps to eliminate nausea. It is known that pineapple strengthens the musculoskeletal system, excludes the risk of vision loss in elderly people, the risk of developing arthritis and colds.

Thus, knowing how to clean and how to cutpineapple, you can periodically eat it, improving and strengthening your health. However, it should be remembered that excessive use of it can harm the oral cavity and stomach.

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