Dessert king: Muscatel "Black Massandra"

More than 150 years the Crimean peninsula is famous for itsgrapes and fine wines. Muscat grades of grapes and drinks from it are especially appreciated. The true Crimean Muscat is a two-year-old dessert vintage drink with a very bright bouquet and citron notes. The cost of this wine is very high.

New technology

To reduce the cost of Muscat wine,losing in taste, the technology of making a muscatel drink was developed. Muscat is distinguished by its varietal composition. It is usually complex. In addition to muscat, various European grape varieties are added to it). The manufacturing techniques differ. Muscat wines are done with extreme caution. After all, the aromatic substances of this grape variety are easily oxidized, and a specific bouquet disappears. While the muscatel ("Black Massandra", for example) It is made according to the usual technology of dessert wines. The extract also matters. All muscats are vintage drinks, muscatels are ordinary wines.

Muscatel "Black Massandra"

Crimea, Massandra

The small resort town of Massandra is locatedat the foot of the most beautiful Crimean mountains on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula. In Massandra, families with children like to rest. It's quiet and cozy here. Juniper and pine groves alternate with picturesque beaches. The city is considered a resort of balneological importance and the capital of famous Crimean wines. Here is the famous Crimean wine cellar all over the world. It was opened thanks to the initiative of Lev Golitsyn, who was called the prince-winemaker. The place was chosen personally and thoroughly: Crimea, Massandra! This was reported to the emperor with a description of the amazing Massandra microclimate.

of the Massandra

The basement complex was ready for three years and becamethe best in the world. Seven tunnels at a 50-meter depth (each 150 m long!) Ended with special ventilation shafts. In these tunnels, wines were kept in oak barrels. After bottling wine in bottles was aged in nine galleries in special niches made of stone. They could have a million bottles at the same time! The entire vast basement area was electrified, and special hoisting mechanisms for workers were organized.

Unique combine in Massandra

Today the winery "Massandra" is famous all over the world. His wine collection (more than one million bottles) is in the Guinness Book of Records since 1998.

Muscatel "Black Massandra" reviews

The association of "Massandra" is nine factories, the main of which is the Yalta plant of vintage wines.

Wines from this famous Massandra cellar have repeatedly won a huge number of awards at international competitions and exhibitions.

Drink muscatel "Massandra the Black"

This wine belongs to the ordinary fortifieddessert sweet wines. It is made by the method of incomplete fermentation from the extract of grape must on the mash. The wort for the production of such a drink as the muscatel "Black Massandra" consists of European varieties of grapes (65-72%) and nutmeg varieties (28-35%) with a sugar saturation of at least 19%. Then the drink is cemented with ethyl alcohol.

Berry is recycled when it reachessugar content of 20% or more. The ready-made drink is kept in the cellars of Alupka's wineries. The technological process of manufacturing is patented by the JSC "Massandra" Crimea.

The color range of the muscatel varies from dark ruby ​​to saturated. The content of alcohols - 16%, sugars - 15%, acidity 5 g / dm3.

The drink is an aperitif. The taste is slightly spicy and filled with notes of exotic fruits. The aroma is sweetish with bright tones of muscat, the aftertaste is very aged, soft, warming. Muscatel "Black Massandra" leaves a light taste of peach in the tongue, alternating with aroma of charjou melon and medlars.

Wine muscatel "Black Massandra"

The wines of the famous Yalta cellar are rarelyleave indifferent. And if men prefer strong vintage wines, then the lady is delighted with such a drink as the muscatel "Massandra Black". Comments of the weak half of humanity are overshadowed by emotions. He is called gorgeous, they say that his head does not get heavy, it goes well with desserts. Connoisseurs of wines are called "Muscatel Black" from "Massandra" by hop-like sweetness and dessert king!

The magic of cooking

The wine-muscatel "Black Massandra" refers to ordinary wines, dessert wines. Prepare them wherever viticulture is developed. Distinguished ordinary dessert wines from the rest accelerated aging.

Grapes for muscat collect late, with maximum ripeness, often waiting, when the berry begins to languish.

The crests are separated, the sulphite pulverized. For the production of the muscatel, the wort is used. It is fermented in it about 2 g / 100 cm3. Then the wand must be spirited to the proper condition. The pulp for making the wine material for the muscatel is slightly fermented or heated to 55-60 0FROM.

In order to accelerate the maturation process of the wine material and enhance the dessert tones, they are pasteurized or subjected to a thermal aging of the blend at a temperature of about 40 0C. Aeration at the same time limit.


Bottle of the Massandra Muscatel is always darkcolors. The cork is made of cork tree and has a logo (squeezed) MASSANDRA, which is visible in the window of the shrink cap. Since 2004, massandrovskie drinks are bottled in bottles with a capacity of 0.75 liters.

The winery "Massandra"

Sometimes you can find a bottle of muscatel"Black Massandra" from the manufacturer "Hello". This plant is the official branch of the GCJSC "Massandra". Filling wine on the lines of the factory "Hello" is slightly different. A bottle with a capacity of 0.7 liters has a flat bottom, a sign of GVP "Privetnoye" (instead of "Massandra") is placed on the stopper, label and shrink cap. The number, month and year of bottling is indicated on the label (only!). In the title, too, there are differences: the extruded sign "Chervone."

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