Porridge in the multivariate: recipe for cooking millet with pumpkin

Millet porridge with pumpkin in the multivark is a dietary dish that is ideal for those who want to quickly get rid of excess pounds or just go for a healthy diet.

It is worth noting that for the preparation of such a dinner only inexpensive and simple products are needed, which can be bought absolutely in any store.

Porridge in the Multivariate: Recipe for Cooking

porridge in a multivariate recipe
Necessary ingredients:

  • millet - one full faceted glass;
  • onion - several small heads;
  • drinking water - one glass;
  • fresh carrots - a few small pieces;
  • fat milk - one glass;
  • pumpkin ripe - 250 grams;
  • vegetable oil - fifty milliliters;
  • salt - half a dessert spoon;
  • granulated sugar - one full large spoon;
  • butter creamy fresh - to taste and desire.

Pumpkin porridge in the multivariate: processing of the main ingredients

It is worth noting that sincere lovers of leandishes from millet exist today quite a bit. However, the porridge in the multivark, the recipe of which we are considering, is so delicious and unusual that no one can refuse it.

millet porridge with pumpkin in a multivark

To prepare this dish, you need to wash andclean all the vegetables you have purchased. After that, the processed carrots must be grated, chopped onions into cubes, and finely chop the pumpkin with a knife.

Next, you need to go through the millet and thoroughly wash it under a warm water jet. It is worth noting that to get rid of bitterness, such a product is sometimes placed in a steep boiling water for one or two minutes.

Porridge in the Multivariate: a recipe for the spreading of vegetables

To give the wheat a special taste, it should becook together with sauteed vegetables. For this, it is necessary to place the carrots and onion in advance processed into a multivariate. They are required to be buttered with vegetable oil, and then leave for five to ten minutes in the baking mode.

Porridge in the multivariate: a recipe for cooking millet and pumpkin

porridge with pumpkin in multivark
After the vegetables are covered with reddishcrust, they must be salted, and then add to them a finely chopped pumpkin and a glass of thoroughly washed millet. All ingredients are required to mix well with a spoon, add a small amount of granulated sugar. Then the multivark should be tightly closed with a lid and leave the ingredients to prepare in the milk porridge regime.

Correct feed to the table

At the end of the prescribed time, the prepared milletgruel should once again properly mix with a spoon and, if desired, add fresh butter to it. The dish should be spread over plates, decorated with pieces of berries and served for breakfast or lunch.

Helpful Tips

  1. It should be noted that millet porridge can be used not only as a basic lunch, but also as a garnish to goulash.
  2. To make the croup cook much faster and at the same time preserve all the nutritional properties, it is recommended to soak for a few hours in ordinary drinking water before sending it to the multivark.
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