How to cook pie in aerogrill, steamer and microwave. Unusual recipes

Preparing tasty food for the whole family - the tasktroublesome, but also quite pleasant, especially when household members praise cooked dishes and ask for supplements. I also want to cook not only tasty, but healthy food, and this is easily possible with the help of aerogrill, which has so many pluses. Dishes in aerogrills are useful, since they retain all the microelements and vitamins that are needed for the body, also fats are burned in aerogrills, which are not in our stomachs, but at the bottom of the flask, which protects us from harmful cholesterol and unnecessary calories. Those who use this household appliance know that it can cook many different dishes: vegetable, meat, fish and so on. But not everyone knows that you can cook pie in aerogrill.

To make an aerosol pie, weYou will need: two glasses of flour, 0.5 teaspoon of soda drinking, a glass of not fat kefir, butter or margarine 100 grams, sour cream two tablespoons, two eggs, three tablespoons of mayonnaise, 200 grams. cheese of your favorite variety, 0.5 teaspoon of salt, one hundred grams of ham, seasoning to taste.

To start, we'll make the workpiece - we'll cut the cheese intoa large grater and cut the ham into cubes, mix these two ingredients and add one egg, a little mayonnaise and seasoning to taste. In a separate bowl, pour a glass of kefir, sour cream, butter, which must first be melt, add the egg and salt. Thoroughly mix everything by hand or using a mixer. The flour must be sieved through a sieve and add soda to it. In a bowl with kefir billet add flour and mesim until the lumps disappear completely. We pour the cake form with oil and fill it with half the dough. We distribute toppings of ham and cheese from above, pour the remaining dough on top. Aerogrill is heated in advance to 180 degrees. We put the cake on the grate closer to the lid. First we bake at low speed, after about fifteen minutes we increase to medium speed. The pie in the aerogrill is prepared for about an hour. The circulation of hot air is so active that the pie in the aerogrill turns rosy and evenly baked.

No less tasty is a pie in a double boiler. For cooking on 100 gr. we need: raspberries - 200 gr. (if there is no raspberries, take other berries), 70 gr. walnuts, rye flour - 2 tablespoons with a slide, four eggs, sugar can be added to taste. Raspberries or other berries can be used frozen, especially if not season. Berries are thawed and crushed in a blender. Nuts finely chop until the paste. Separate yolks from proteins and mix them with nuts. Add flour, berries, sugar, mix everything well. We beat thoroughly the proteins and pour into the prepared mass. In the cooking form, we lining the food film and pour in mass, from above we cover with a film. We put it in the steamer for 50 minutes. The finished pie should be cooled, so it will be even tastier.

The real discovery was - the chocolate cake inmicrowave, which is very tasty and time consuming - fast. We take black chocolate 150 gr., Three eggs, 80 gr. margarine or butter, 60 gr. flour, a hundred grams of sugar, salt less than half a teaspoon, soda at the tip of the knife, half a glass of milk and one packet of vanilla sugar. First, add sugar and salt, flour, soda, vanilla sugar and milk to the eggs, mix everything thoroughly. Chocolate and butter is brought to a liquid state in a water bath, add to the mixture. After mixing, we spread it in a special shape, with high walls, which must be oiled. Bake at the highest level, about eight minutes. Ready cake is decorated with powdered sugar or whatever your imagination advises. Such a pie can be baked to a child for a birthday, after inserting candles into it.

Bon Appetit!

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