How is the chicken breast cooked with pineapple? Simple and fast!

One of the main advantages of chicken meatis that it is perfectly combined with a huge number of products. The fillets of this bird can be prepared in hundreds of different ways and each of the dishes cooked will be unique. This article will discuss how to combine chicken breast with pineapple and what can be cooked from them.

All dishes that can be cooked using chicken meat and fresh or canned pineapples can be divided into three large subgroups - hot second courses, salads and snacks.

For the preparation of most hot second coursesin this case, the chicken breast is ideal. By pineapple, the recipes described below are a canned product, which can be cut into rings or pieces. The easiest way is to take two chicken breasts at the rate of three or four servings, rinse them well and cut them into four large pieces. Then carefully rub the meat with spices and salt and send it to a hot frying pan, on which it is first necessary to melt a tablespoon of butter. When the meat is almost ready, add to it a hundred grams of diced pineapples, grated on a large grater apple and a tablespoon of tomato paste. If necessary, you can add a little more salt and spices. We serve the meat hot, topping the sauce with a frying pan. As a side dish, the chicken breast under the pineapple well "perceives" mashed potatoes or boiled rice.

If you have a little more time, you cancook rolls, the basis is all the same chicken breast with pineapple. To do this, chicken fillet cut along, slightly beat off and leave for half an hour in the marinade. Marinade is prepared very simply: mix four tablespoons of vegetable oil and the same amount of soy sauce, add salt, a little red pepper, chopped clove of garlic and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. After that, we put the pieces of pineapple on meat and wrap it. Now it remains to dunk the rolls in the egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry until ready. It should be noted that the chicken breast in breadcrumbs should be rolled up properly - it will become a pledge of a delicious crispy crust.

Classic salad of chicken and pineappleas follows. Boiled chicken breast is cut into small pieces, and then mixed with approximately also sliced ​​soft cheese, pieces of pineapple, olives and greens. You can fill a salad like sour cream or cream, or soy sauce. This recipe can be largely changed depending on your culinary preferences. For example, in the salad you can add pickled mushrooms (perfectly suited for these purposes as mushrooms, and oil), crab sticks or lettuce leaves. Serve the salad, which is based on the chicken breast with pineapple is best slightly chilled.

Traditional snacks from chicken meat andpineapples can be considered small sandwiches on skewers. In fact, for this light snack, which can decorate not only a friendly party, but also a home dinner, you can use a huge number of products. Suitable not only chopped boiled chicken breast with pineapple, but also the same pickled mushrooms, hard cheese, slices of bacon and other contents of your refrigerator. Bread to create a "foundation" for such snacks is desirable to use not only white, but also rye - this will add extra variety to your table and make sandwiches even tastier.

The dishes described above are only a small part of the fact,how to cook chicken and combine it with pineapple. In your kitchen, cooking of these products will be limited only by your imagination.

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