The tenderest liver in sour cream and onion

Liver in sour cream with onions can be served for dinner andjust like that, along with a slice of white or black bread, and along with some garnish. In any case, this dish will well satisfy you and absolutely all households. However, it should be noted that before preparing this dinner, you should definitely purchase a suitable by-product. How to choose it correctly, we will tell a little further.

liver in sour cream with onion

Correct choice of by-product

Before I tell you about how to preparea liver in sour cream with onions, it is necessary to tell how it is necessary to choose such a byproduct. After all, on its quality depends entirely on whether your dinner will be tasty and satisfying.

To make you gentle and nutritiousdish, many culinary experts recommend buying only chicken liver. After all, it practically does not get bitter and prepares very quickly. However, some housewives often make such goulash with the use of beef offal. To make the finished dish not bitter and delicious, this ingredient should be carefully processed. Which one, we'll tell you a little bit later.

So, before making a liver in sour cream withonions, it should be properly purchased. It should not be too dark in color. All veins and films from the product must be removed immediately before selling. The smell emanating from such an ingredient should be pleasant and not cause disgust.

Delicious chicken liver: recipes in sour cream

There are many ways in which you canto cook such a byproduct for dinner. However, the most delicious of them is the one that involves the use of sour cream. After all, with it, the by-product becomes softer and more tender.

chicken liver in sour cream

So how is the chicken liver prepared? Recipes in sour cream require the use of the following products:

  • onion sweet large - 2 heads;
  • sour cream as fresh as possible of high fat content - 185 g;
  • frozen chicken liver - 800 g;
  • deodorized sunflower oil - 45 ml;
  • cream thick - about 70 ml;
  • salt medium-sized iodized, pepper crushed sweet-scented - apply at discretion;
  • filtered drinking water - 150 ml.

Processing of chicken by-products

Chicken liver in sour cream is prepared very quickly. But before subjecting this product to heat treatment, it should be thoroughly thawed. Next, the ingredient should cut off all the veins and other inedible elements. After this, the liver should be thoroughly rinsed under cold tap water and chopped into medium pieces. By the way, some housewives prefer to prepare such a product in its entirety.

In addition to the liver, careful handling requires the heads of the onions to be subjected. They need to be cleaned of the husks, and then chopped into small cubes.

chicken liver recipes in sour cream

Hot foods

To the chicken liver in sour cream turned deliciousand fragrant, it should be pre-fried in deodorized oil. For this it is required to use a deep saucepan, in which it is necessary to pour vegetable fat, and then strongly heat it. Further in the hot dishes should lay out all the previously treated liver. After all the liquid is evaporated from the by-product, it must be thoroughly fried for 10 minutes. After the named time, it is necessary to add bulbs to the liver and repeat the thermal treatment in oil (5 minutes).

Quenching dishes

After the ingredients are slightly fried,should begin to extinguish them. For this, you need to pour a little water into the liver, and add salt and crushed pepper. Stew these products preferably for ¼ hours. During this time, the ingredients should be almost completely prepared. In the end, they should be poured thick cream and fatty sour cream. After mixing the ingredients with a large spoon, they are recommended to cook on low heat for about 10 minutes. In this case, the sauté pan should be closed with a lid.

Correct feeding of rich and fragrant goulash

After the liver in sour cream and onions will beprepared, it should be placed in deep bowls and served with family members along with a slice of bread. If you want to make a more satisfying lunch, then it is recommended to make a delicious side dish to this goulash. For example, it is good to combine chicken liver with crushed potatoes, buckwheat or crumbly rice porridge, as well as any pasta.

to cook beef liver in sour cream

Step-by-step recipe: liver (stew) in sour cream

If for the preparation of a delicious rich dinneryou have purchased beef by-products, then before extinguishing it should be properly treated. If you do not, your dish will be so bitterly bitter that it can not be consumed.

So, the preparation of the liver in sour cream requires that the hostess has the following products:

  • onion sweet large - 2 heads;
  • sour cream as fresh as possible of high fat content - 190 g;
  • Beef frozen or chilled liver - 800 g;
  • deodorized sunflower oil - 45 ml;
  • tomato paste - 2 dessert spoons;
  • carrot fresh - 2 medium pcs .;
  • milk low-fat purchased - about 400 ml;
  • salt medium-sized iodized, pepper crushed sweet-scented - apply at discretion;
  • drinking water - 140 ml.
    liver preparation in sour cream

Preparation of beef offal

So that you get a very delicious liver insour cream, it should be completely thawed beforehand. After this, with the by-product it is required to carefully cut off all the bile ducts. If their contents randomly fall on the main ingredient, then it will be very bitter.

Thus, removing all the extra elements, beefThe liver needs to be thoroughly rinsed first in warm and then cold water. Then it should be cut into large pieces and put in a large bowl. After this, the ingredient should be filled with low-fat shop milk and left for 35-45 minutes. This process is necessary in order to maximally deprive the by-product of bitterness, making it gentle and soft. At the end, the liver should be rinsed and cut into smaller pieces.

Vegetable processing

To deliciously cook beef liver insour cream, you should use not only the named byproduct, but also vegetables such as carrots and onions. They need to be cleaned and chopped. Carrots must be cut into circles, and bulbs - into cubes.

recipe liver stewed in sour cream

Heat treatment in a stewpan

After preparation of the main ingredients,pour into the saucepan deodorized oil and put it on a strong fire. When vegetable fat begins to boil, it is required to lay out the whole processed beef liver. To fry this byproduct is desirable until the excess moisture evaporates from it, and it does not turn red slightly. After this, add the bulbs and carrot circles to the ingredient. Fry all ingredients for about another 10 minutes.

To get a delicate and tasty dish, beefThe liver with vegetables is required not only to roast on deodorized oil, but also to extinguish. To do this, you need to pour a little drinking water into the products, and also to flavor them with pepper, salt and other favorite condiments. After stewing the dish for about ¼ hour, add a little tomato paste and fresh sour cream of fat content to it. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, it is required to continue their thermal treatment for about 10 minutes under the closed lid. During this time, the liver and vegetables are fully prepared, will become soft and form a very tasty and thick sauce.

delicious liver in sour cream

Correctly serve goulash from beef offal to the table

Now you know how to handle andcook the liver at home. After the goulash has been cooked, it must be spread over deep bowls and generously sprinkled with fresh chopped greens. In addition to such a dinner, you can present a hunk of dark or white bread. Also cooked from the liver and sour cream sauce is allowed to be served to the table along with any garnish. However, it should be done separately from goulash. Bon Appetit!

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