What is the difference between a wine drink and wine? Drink of sparkling wine

Than the wine drink is different from the traditionalWine? This question interests many people. That's why we decided to answer it in the article submitted. Also we will tell you about what makes a wine drink and stuff.

wine drink

What is wine?

Before telling you about what a wine drink is, it's worth to tell what wine is.

Wine is an alcoholic beverage whose fortresscan vary between 9-22%. It is obtained by full or partial fermentation of grape juice. Sometimes alcohol is added to this drink, as well as other substances. As a result, a fortified wine is obtained.

What do they produce?

Traditionally, wine products are made fromfermented grape juice. As for alcoholic beverages from products such as berries, herbs, vegetables and grains, they are not wines. They are called liqueurs, tinctures, whiskey, brandy, vermouth, etc.

By appointment, all the classic wines are divided into:

  • dessert (that is, served with dessert);
  • dining rooms (that is, they are used as a flavor addition to the table).

carbonated beverage

What is a wine drink?

In most cases, wine drinksare made of the same wine material that is used in the production of natural classical wines. However, it often happens that the wine material for one reason or another can not become a full-fledged wine. This is due to the mistakes made. For example, fruit or grape juice fermented, acquired an unpleasant smell and taste.

If a similar situation occurred at a majorenterprise, the manufacturer simply dilutes spoiled raw materials with ordinary drinking water or alcohol. Also in such material berry or fruit flavors and various dyes are often added. It should be specially noted that for the preparation of natural classical wine, such additives are strictly prohibited. Otherwise, it will not be a good wine, but just a wine drink.

Production features

According to the rules, a wine drink (carbonated ornot aerated) must contain at least 50% of the wine material. Although very many entrepreneurs neglect laws and use less raw materials than they should. Quite often this affects not only the taste and smell of the final product, but also its quality. Such drinks are less aromatic, have an unpleasant alcohol smell, pale color and so on.

Other methods of preparation

What else can a wine be made of? Experts say that such a product is often made of powdered wine material. This also affects the quality of the drink. By the way, it's quite easy to determine such a product. As a rule, an unpleasant powdery precipitate forms on the bottom of a bottle with a wine drink.

drinks wine price

Perfect drink

How much do wine drinks cost? The price of such a product is noticeably lower than the cost of a classic table or dessert wine (about 130-170 Russian rubles). That is why the drink in question enjoys special popularity among those who can not afford to buy expensive and good wine.

But, despite the low cost mentionedthe product can still be quality, fragrant and tasty. But this is only if the wine drink was produced in an honest way, that is, the manufacturer did not try to disguise any unsuccessful or spoiled raw materials in any way.

Thus, those who buy such a drink,should be prepared for the fact that such a product will be somewhat simpler, as well as with a less rich bouquet of flavor than table or dessert wine. But, according to experts, it is much cheaper.

Carbonated drink

Not so long ago, on the shelves of stores appearedcarbonated wine drink. The strength of such a product is 6, 9 or 12%. Carbonated low-moisture wine drinks differ from non-carbonated ones in that they are saturated with carbon dioxide. This allows you to make the wine sparkling. Very often such a product is called champagne. But this is not true, because the technology of producing champagne is completely different.

According to their taste, a carbonated drinkwine almost does not differ from non-carbonated wine. Although some consumers say that such a product is sour and less pleasant to the taste. However, this depends on the manufacturer and the raw materials used.

Wine drink "Massandra"

The most common wine drink in ourthe country has recently become the beverage of the manufacturer Massandra. It is a Crimean company that spills about 10 million bottles of wine a year. It should be noted that in Ukraine this enterprise also took first place.

wine drink reviews

According to the CEO of the company"Massandra", Ukrainian and Russian legislation that regulate the alcohol market, significantly dispersed in different directions. To date, it is clear that Massandra with its products does not fit into the laws of the Russian Federation. According to them fortified drinks, which are made on the basis of bread or beetroot, are not wine. Now on the labels of Muscat there should be an inscription "wine drink", although the product is manufactured according to classical technologies.

It should also be noted that the Russian Federation is not interested in the presence of such products in the wine drink market. In this regard, excise duty on them is much higher than on wine.

The general director of the company, as well as all itsadministration, outlined the current situation in letters to the Ministry of Agriculture. Now they know about it at the highest level and try to settle all the problems that have arisen.

Which is better: wine or a wine drink?

As mentioned above, wine and wine drinks havecompletely different bouquets of flavors and flavors. The first one is more saturated and bright. The second one can not boast of such properties. However, all this is relative. After all, it often happens that a sparkling or non-carbonated wine drink has better taste qualities than a table or dessert wine. Often this is due to production technologies. If an entrepreneur complies with all the requirements for the production of real wine or a drink, then he will necessarily get competitive products.

Wine Drink Massandra

As for consumers, they are quite difficultto deceive. If different dyes and other substances were added to the wine, it is always opened with a bottle stopper. Therefore, most manufacturers do not take risks and use only high-quality raw materials for the production of both wine and wine. By the way, these names must be present on the product labels. If you see the word "wine", then in the bottle you should expect the presence of this particular drink. Otherwise, the manufacturer deceived you.

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