Air charlotte with apples: recipe

Air charlotte with apples, the recipe of which youyou can read in our article, will be your favorite dessert. Classic pie is prepared very easily, and it consists of simple products that are in any refrigerator.

air balloon with apples

Charlotte with apples (step by step)

This gentle dessert will appeal not only to children, butand adults. Apples give it special softness and tenderness, and if you add cinnamon or vanilla to them, the pie will get a spicy aroma. Charlotte in the oven is prepared as follows:

  • Whip four chicken eggs with a mixer together with a glass of sugar and 10 grams of vanilla until a steady foam appears.
  • Put a glass of sifted flour in a bowl and mix again.
  • Three or four green apples peel and core, and then cut into cubes.
  • Separate the baking dish, oil it, put apples on the bottom, and pour the dough on top.
  • Place the cake in the oven and cook it until it is covered with a golden crust.

Serve the charlotte to the table with hot tea or coffee.

charlotte in the oven

Apple Charlotte

In our country this dessert becomes verypopular after harvesting and several months in a row does not give up its position. Each hostess tries to make her cake special, so there are many ways to prepare it. We want to tell you how to prepare an air balloon with apples. The recipe for dessert is not too complicated:

  • Sift in a bowl a glass of flour, add to it a spoonful of starch and half a teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • In a separate bowl, beat with a mixer three chicken eggs and one glass of sugar until the original volume increases.
  • Combine both mixtures and mix.
  • Cut the three peeled apples into cubes.
  • Form for baking, oil and sprinkle the bottom with flour. Lay the prepared apples in a smooth layer, then pour the dough.
  • Bake the cake in a preheated oven until a golden crust appears. Before you get it, check the readiness with a match or a wooden stick.

Wait until the charlotte is a little cool, sprinkle it with sugar powder and serve it to the table.

air charlotte on kefir

Air charlotte on kefir

If you want to please your family and quicklyto prepare for tea something tasty, then pay attention to this recipe. A light air dessert will be appropriate in any situation. A prepared charlotte in the oven as follows:

  • Mix 120 grams of butter with one glass of sugar.
  • Add to them two chicken eggs and pour in one glass of kefir. Stir thoroughly all the ingredients.
  • Sift half a cup of flour, mix it with half a spoonful of soda and gradually put the mixture into the dough.
  • Remove four apples, peel and peel, and then cut into large cubes.
  • Lubricate the form with oil, pour a piece of dough on the bottom, spread a smooth layer of fruit and pour them on top of the remainder of the dough.
  • Bake a charlotte in a preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Before serving, decorate the dessert with powdered sugar and cut it into portions.

charlotte with apples step by step

Charlotte on sour cream

The popularity of charlotte is not difficult to explain. Firstly, it is prepared very quickly, and secondly, it does not require special products, and, finally, it always turns out very tasty. What makes an air balloon with apples? The recipe before you:

  • A glass of sugar rub with one chicken egg.
  • Add to them a little soda, extinguished lemon juice, and one glass of sour cream.
  • In the end, sift in a bowl one glass of flour and mix the foods.
  • Cut the apples in half, remove the core and cut them into thin slices.
  • In a form greased with butter, put first the filling, and then pour it with a batter.

This charlotte is baked very quickly - only 30 or 40 minutes. When it's ready, let it cool down a bit and serve it with a vanilla ice cream ball.

Charlotte with apples and nuts

This time we suggest you cook a pie with apples, nuts and raisins. This delicious treat will not leave indifferent even the most stringent critics. Charlotte lush in the oven is prepared this way:

  • Three green apples wash and cut slices, after removing their core.
  • Fold the workpieces in a silicone mold, oiled.
  • Three eggs beat with one glass of sugar, add to them a glass of sifted flour and a bag of baking powder.
  • Rinse 100 grams of raisins, pour boiling water, and after a while drain the water and cut it with a knife.
  • 100 grams of nuts chop with a mortar or fold them into a bag and walk on it with a rolling pin.
  • Add the prepared products to the dough, mix and pour them apples.

Put the form in a preheated 180 degree oven and bake the cake for about half an hour. Do not forget to check it out with a wooden stick.

 charlotte lush in the oven

Charlotte on mayonnaise

Before you an unusual recipe that will allow you to look at a familiar dish from the new side. The recipe for its preparation is not particularly complicated:

  • Five apples wash, clean and cut arbitrarily.
  • Whip four yolks with one glass of sugar and a third of a glass of mayonnaise.
  • In the resulting mixture, add one glass of sifted flour and mix a fairly thick dough.
  • Whip four whites with a few spoons of cold water, and then gently combine them with the dough.
  • Put the apples on the bottom of the baking dish and pour them into the batter.

Cook the charlotte for 20 minutes and hold ten more inclosed furnace. After that you can get the cake, decorate it with fresh mint leaves and serve it to the table. As an addition to this dish, your favorite jam is perfect.


We hope that you will like the aircharlotte with apples, the recipe of which we have placed in this article. To prepare a delicious treat for the whole family, carefully read the instructions, and then make sure that you have all the necessary ingredients at your fingertips. After that you can safely start cooking. An air pie with apples can be served to the table not only with hot, but also with cold drinks. In addition to dessert, you can take any jam, jam or ice cream ball.

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