Name of fruits and vegetables. Learning English

The best way to learn the words of English -this, of course, is not cramming, but a creative approach to business and an unquenchable fantasy. How much use can be drawn from the usual location in the house, where all the items (well, not all, of course) are equipped with a sticker with a name in a foreign language! And how exciting to move around such an apartment!

For successful learning a foreign languagemany methods have been developed. This is audio courses, and stationary training groups, and a sea of ​​various phrase books and books. Of the many tips one of the most useful can be identified as follows: do not limit your learning time. The more time you try to speak the language you are studying, the better. If you regularly go to additional classes, then with an initial level of knowledge, it will be useful for you to do this trick. Get office stickers (multi-colored small sheets of paper with adhesive tape on one side), they cost "pennies". Open the phrasebook and select a specific topic in the dictionary. It does not matter if it's the name of fruits, vegetables, or whatever. But most often start with the theme "Kitchen". This section contains a lot of words that are simply necessary in daily use. Now take 10-15 words. Suppose the first - "refrigerator" we write on the sticker the English translation - fridge and glue on the freezer. We also do the same with a cup, a plate, a pan and so on. All you have to do is call things by their (English) names. Every day increase the number of pasted stickers (learned, of course, better to remove) and do not hesitate once again to look at the inscription. The effect of such training is striking. For a week, you can add to the vocabulary, at least, 100 words. This is a substitution effect and it is much more useful than ordinary cramming.

Approximately the same method can be easilyremember the names of vegetables and fruits. Before going to the store make a list of necessary products (at least half of them) in English. For example, you are going to prepare a salad. We write the following:

  1. Tomato;
  2. Cucumber;
  3. Cabbage;
  4. Potato;
  5. Peas;
  6. Onion.

(tomatoes, cucumber, cabbage, potatoes, peas, onions)

And Russian translation is better not to specify. Being in the store with this foreign instruction willy-nilly, but the names are remembered, and in extreme cases, with difficulty, but remember. The names of fruits in English can be taught as well. A list that looks something like this:

  1. Apple;
  2. Lemon;
  3. Orange;
  4. Banana;
  5. Strawberry

(an apple, a lemon, an orange, a banana, a strawberry) will cause the memory to get stuck. A useful and simple method!

Such simple manipulations increase yourknowledge, and almost free. But these options are suitable for adults. Who does not want his child to speak with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes foreign words, and on time and on business? As for the same theme "the name of vegetables and fruits in English", then there is nothing complicated.

Given the considerable number of children's snacks inDuring the day (the child eats as cookies-candies, and fruit), there are many opportunities for learning. This is an excellent reason to learn the name of the fruit in a foreign language. Of course, a lot depends on the time of year and the age of the baby, but the approach is generally universal. Let's start.

  • Apple is an apple;
  • Pear - pear;
  • Banana is a banana;
  • Orange is an orange.

Starting classes, you can only namefruit in English, but only later to switch to word combinations or sentences. This is a pear (This is a pear) or This is an apple. It is convenient to use these expressions at the time when you get the products from the package. And it is better not to enter many words at once. It is enough 3-5 expressions, not more.

After fixing the first topic, you can combine the name of the fruit with certain actions. For example: "Take a pear" (take a pear), "Eat an apple" (eat an apple) and the like.

The final lesson of the entry level isintroduction to the vocabulary of adjectives. That is, expressions that contain the name of fruit + adjectives. "I like red apples" (I love red apples). Learning is fun, and the benefits of it are enormous!

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