Juice in the juice from apples is a tasty drink for the winter

Juice is always good for the body. But not always there is fresh fruit on hand. To enjoy the pleasant taste of fruit drinks in winter, you must prepare them properly. The most common fruit are apples. They are relatively inexpensive, grow throughout the country and are therefore available. In the harvest season, you can prepare juice from any fruit, but let's talk about how to make juice from apples.

Juice in the apple juice cooker

Sokovarka - time-tested technology

Gathering a great harvest, think about itprocessing. Here, home appliances always come to the rescue. But there are old, time-tested adaptations that facilitate work. These include the sovokarku. Its use does not require much skill. Juice in the juice from apples is ideal and does not require additional processing. To prepare a tasty drink for the winter, you need fruits, water, sugar and cans. If you want to get only a natural product, then water and sugar are not added. First you need to study the device sokovarki. Usually it has three containers. In the first, water is poured, which forms steam during boiling. The second is for collecting juice. The third container is filled with fruits and berries. Through a special opening and a hose the juice is poured out into the prepared cans.

A recipe for apple juice

Cooking juice

We start with the preparation of fruit. Apples are washed and the core is removed. Then cut them into pieces. It is not necessary to clean the fruit - the skin will give off all its aroma and useful substances. Now we lay them in the upper part of the sokovarki. Then add the sugar. The number depends on personal preferences. The juice in the juice from apples is good in any case. But its natural taste is characterized by a slight sourness and depends on the type of fruit. So if you want to make it sweeter, then add sugar. It will take approximately 400 grams per three-liter jar of juice. In the lower part of the sokovarki it is necessary to pour water. The amount depends on its volume, and this is indicated in the instruction. We install all capacities in a certain order. Bottom of the water, then the container for collecting the juice, and then the fruit. Top with a close lid. There is one more nuance. The juice in the juice from the apples starts to evaporate not immediately. Must pass some time. Therefore, the hose for draining a drink into a jar needs to be initially secured with a special clamp. When the juice begins to appear, it must be opened and replaced with a jar. Banks should be sterilized so that the juice can be rolled right away. Experienced in this matter, people recommend the first two glasses of a drink not to be poured into a jar, because it has not undergone sufficient sterilization. You can just drink it when it cools down. From two kilograms of apples it turns out 1-1,5 liters of juice.

How to boil apple juice

Juice in the Multivariate

This is a recipe for apple juice, prepared inmultivark. This technique is designed to facilitate work, so why not take advantage of this opportunity? Fruit my and remove the seeds. We cut them into pieces and pass them through the juicer. Then pour it into the multivark and set the "soup" mode for five minutes. Do not forget to remove the foam. Then the drink is poured into cans and closed. Regardless of whether juice is prepared in the juice machine from apples or using other techniques, it turns out to be very tasty.

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