Therapeutic pumpkin soup

Considering the useful properties of plants, notyou cease to be surprised, how much all is conceived by the nature. Widespread distribution in Russia of such a useful vegetable as a pumpkin was received several thousand years ago. Pumpkin was used for food, as a medicinal plant and material for making household utensils and items for decorating the interior. Pumpkin soup - an indispensable attribute of peasant food Rusich.

Among all the vegetables, it is the pumpkin that occupies the firstplace by the amount of iron. And the abundance of minerals, vitamins and amino acids makes it a dietary product. Pumpkin soup is useful at increased pressure and as prevention of pyelonephritis. A pumpkin gruel, applied to the skin, helps heal severe burns, deep wounds and soaking sores.

It's very easy to make a pumpkin soup. The recipe, which we will share, will allow you to enjoy the rich taste of this dish.

Milk soup of pumpkin

To make this delicious soupone and a half liter of milk, five hundred grams of pulp pulp, two hundred grams of ground white breadcrumbs, three tablespoons of sugar, fifty grams of margarine and a little salt. Pulp from the seeds beforehand and peel. Cut into pieces and stew on the water until cooked. From the cooked pumpkin we prepare mashed potatoes. We boil the milk. Add the rusks, then cook for five minutes. Mix with pumpkin puree, sugar and salt. We cook for another five minutes, and poured into serving plates. In each we add a small piece of margarine.

Lean Pumpkin Soup

A Great Option for Vegetarian Lentensoup, which will be useful and on days off. For its preparation, prepare five hundred grams of pumpkin, two stalks of celery, one carrot, one onion, two cloves of garlic, two spoons of ketchup, a pinch of nutmeg, Kenyan pepper and salt. All vegetables are cleaned and cut into pieces of any size, if desired. We put it in a saucepan, add seasoning, fill it with water and cook until the pumpkin is ready. We cook under the closed lid to make the dish languish. Add ketchup, turn the soup into puree with a blender and cook for another 10 minutes. The prepared dish should be infused for half an hour before serving. The soup-mash turns out thick enough, and sharp on taste.

Pumpkin and smoked fish soup

An interesting flavor combination gives smoked fishand pumpkin. For this soup prepare five hundred grams of fish, five hundred grams of pumpkin, three potatoes, one carrot, two tomatoes, one onion, two hundred grams of cream, a teaspoon of pepper, salt and pumpkin oil to taste. We cut the peel from the pumpkin and remove the seeds. We clean potatoes, onions and carrots. We cut the vegetables into cubes. We dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a couple of minutes, after which we take out and easily remove the skin. Pulp the tomato.

Boil all the vegetables for 10 minutes, andwe get out of the broth. After cooling them to room temperature, we use a blender to mash it. We remove the fillets from the fish, divide it into two parts. One part is cut into small portions, and the second is shredded. Fold in a pan vegetable mashed potatoes, crushed fish and pour cream.

On medium fire bring our soup to a boil andimmediately remove. Sprinkle with pepper mixture, sprinkle with oil, close the lid and leave for ten minutes without stirring. A fragrant soup spilled on serving plates, laying in each two fish strips and a couple of leaves of fresh parsley.

Dishes made from pumpkin are necessaryinclude in the menu at least twice a week. And pumpkin seeds and juice can be consumed every day. With its help, it is possible to remove from the body slags and excess fluid, normalize the metabolism and strengthen the vessels. Pumpkin is an excellent remedy for restoring eyesight in combination with carrots and blueberries. It does not have any contraindications. The only exception is individual intolerance.

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