Steak from trout

Trout is a wonderful food product, which is very appreciated for its excellent taste.

The consumption of trout has beneficial effectsinfluence on human health, trout cooking does not take much time, as its meat is very tender. This fish is rich in a variety of vitamins. Even in it there are so essential to man fatty acids.

Fish steak is a very useful product, rich in protein. A steak is a piece cut from a fish carcass in the transverse direction. From competently trout, you can get several steaks.

To prepare a trout steak, you will need:

4 steaks, onion, bell pepper, half a lemon, a bunch of different greens, a teaspoon of salt, a half spoons of sugar, a pinch of black pepper.

Steaks should be rinsed with cool water, remove excess water with a napkin and put in a steamer.

Mix the pepper, salt, sugar. This amount of seasonings is calculated for 1 kg of fish.

The seasoning is required to sprinkle steaks from the trout on both sides. Sprinkle the juice with half of the lemon on top.

While the steaks are marinated, they need to be cleaned and cut into thin semicircles onion, put it on the fish, put greens on top.

Pepper cut into half rings and put it on the fish.

Cover and leave to marinate for half an hour. Can and longer.

We put in a microwave for 15 minutes at 600 W (it's longer not worth it). Here the main thing is not to overdo it with time and temperature, then the dish can not turn out so juicy.

You can also prepare steak from trout in foil.

To do this you will need:

steak trout, black pepper, salt, greens, lemon, olive oil.

Take steak from trout, sprinkle with ground pepper and salt. Add finely chopped greens. Place lemon slices on top. Pour olive oil.

Then carefully wrap the fish in foil. Put the oven for two hundred degrees. Bake should be 20-30 minutes. The fish is ready. For exquisite, delicate taste before baking, in addition to green lemon, you can add fruits, nuts, pomegranate juice.

Garnish for trout can serve as boiled or fried potatoes, vegetables, rice, mushrooms.

If your oven does not work, you can cook a steak from a trout in a frying pan.

Trout meat is fried in vegetable (betterolive oil), then in the same oil should fry onion rings that will serve as a side dish to the fish. Sauce for steak from trout will serve as greens with olive oil. A simple, delicious and quick method to fry your steak from a trout. Let us consider in more detail the stages of its preparation.

First the steak must be rubbed with black pepper and salt and put aside on a plate.

Green onions are required to wash and cut off feathers,White pieces cut into pieces of 1 cm. Onions should be cleaned and cut into thin rings. Cut the feathers of green onions should be cut, and the leaves of parsley - pick up.

Put the frying pan on the stove, warm it up and pour a small amount of olive oil, it should be heated, but not incandescent!

As soon as the oil warms up, put the trout steak in the pan and immediately begin to move it with the spatula in the frying pan. This is required in order to prevent the steak from sticking to the frying pan.

You should first fry our steak on one side, then turn it over and immediately pour a small amount of lemon juice.

After a short time, the steak must be turned over again and watered again. Repeat the operation.

During the preparation of fish, it must be turned over4-5 times, each time while watering the fish with lemon juice. We put the prepared trout steak out of the frying pan on the dish and immediately pour the onion into the pan and cut the bases from the green onion, everything is toasted.

Pour the prepared greens in a small bowl and pour the greens with olive oil, then greens to salt, squeeze out lemon juice.

Then you can put the steak on a large leaf of lettuce, decorate it with onion rings and herbs and serve it to the table!

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