A proven and traditional recipe. Chahokhbili on our table

Once this dish was considered originally Georgian. It was traditionally cooked in Georgian families. But now the recipe has become interesting to many housewives, because you want to surprise your loved ones with an unusual and tasty dish. Recipe chahokhbili offer in several ways. It depends on the ingredients used. But the main component of this dish is always a chicken.

Chahohby Recipe

Preparation of Chahokhbili from chicken alwaysbegins with its cutting. It is necessary to get portioned pieces. Then fry them in a frying pan for about 20 minutes. Be sure to add a little vegetable oil. In the meantime, we take three medium bulbs and, after having cleaned them first, cut them in half rings. Fry onions separately from the chicken, and then add to it. In a frying pan used for roasting onions, add two tablespoons of tomato paste and four tomatoes, cut into four pieces. Add this mixture also to the chicken. We cut the cleared Bulgarian pepper (2 pieces) and also we spread it in our dish. Now we need to take a tablespoon of Adzhika and add it to the Chahokhbili. It will give the dish a certain taste and sharpness. We add a little water (depending on the amount of meat) and put the pan on the fire. The recipe for chahohby suggests a long (within 40 minutes) quenching.

Preparation of chahohby from chicken

During this time, you can prepare the remainingIngredients. Cut a finely small bundle of cilantro and parsley. Grind 3-4 cloves of garlic. When chahohby is ready, we add greenery and garlic. Also pour the spices at will and put the bay leaf. Turn off the fire and let the dish brew.

The recipe for chahohby can be changed a little. Take about a kilo of chicken legs and fry them in a frying pan. Should appear a beautiful ruddy crust. Three middle heads of onions are cleaned and cut into half rings or slightly smaller. Spread it in a frying pan to the chicken (it is better to initially take a deep container for cooking). Also add 400 grams of tomato puree and 100 milliliters of red wine. Solim dish to taste.

Chahokhbili from chicken Georgian cuisine

Now you need to pay attention to the densitysauce. It should not be too thick. If that, you can add some meat broth. Close the frying pan with a lid and stew for one hour. After this, add spices and seasonings. We do not forget that the chakhokhbili from the chicken are Georgian cuisine. Therefore, the main among the spices and seasonings is coriander. Add it fresh or dried (teaspoon). You can also put a little garlic, which will give the dish a spicy flavor and taste.

There is one more original recipe for Chahokhbili. Chicken (500 grams) pre-marinated in a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil. Then fry it in an aerogrill and put it into a frying pan. Add tomatoes to it, peeled and cut. Then pour 100 milliliters of white wine (dry). Stew the chicken for about 20 minutes. Lastly, add the chopped cilantro and garlic. Place the frying pan on the lid and let it sit for another 10 minutes. Then turn off the heat and press for 1 hour.

Chahokhbili from chicken can also be used in cold form. It becomes very tasty when soaked in the aroma of garlic and seasonings.

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