A simple recipe for a yeast dough prepared in various ways

Often beginning culinary experts, trying to masterbaking from yeast dough, scared set of recommendations for cooking. In fact, it is not difficult to learn how to bake any of the yeast dough products. You need to remember that the yeast dough can be cooked on an opaque, or you can use it in a free-form way. In addition, yeast can be taken as fresh or dry, which is also called instantaneous.

Here is a simple recipe for yeast dough,prepared in an unarmed manner. We need a glass of milk (you can take water, kefir or whey), an egg, 20 grams of fresh or half a packet (weighing 11 grams) of dry yeast. In addition, you will need to take four tablespoons of butter (you can vegetable or melted creamy), a half teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons of sugar. If it is supposed to make a sweet dough, then sugar can be taken more - half a glass.

We begin to cook. Fresh yeast must be dissolved in warm milk, and dry - mixed with flour. Eggs are rubbed with sugar and salt. Mist (if using cream or margarine) melt. Now combine the milk and egg mixture, and begin to pour the flour into this mixture. When the dough becomes homogeneous, pour oil into it and continue to mix, first in a bowl, and then - on a cutting board, sprinkled with flour.

The finished elastic dough is rolled into a ball, we putin a bowl, cover with a towel and put in a warm place. The time of the proofing depends on many factors. Including the quality of yeast used. Usually the dough rises well in one to two hours. After the first ascent, it must be crushed and left again for lifting. Then from the test it is possible to form products. Before baking or frying ready-made pies or rolls, you need to give time for a proofing - about fifteen minutes.

From a dough prepared in a free-form way,you can fry and bake pies, simple rolls, pizza or pies. But if we want to add more muffins (eggs, butter, sugar) to the dough, then we need a recipe for the yeast dough prepared on the dough.

At half a glass of milk, we need fiveeggs, a hundred grams of oil, fifty grams of fresh or a full package (11 grams) of dry yeast. Salts we need a half-spoon, and sugar can be put to taste. In a dough for unsweetened baking, you can put two tablespoons of sugar, and for sweet baking - half a glass.

So, how to make a yeast dough by a sealed method? First, knead the batter, which is called opary. To do this, heat the milk and dissolve in it yeast and a spoonful of sugar. Then we pour in so much flour to make a dough, resembling the density of liquid sour cream. We cover the prepared sponge with a towel and put it in a warm place for lifting. Opara is considered ready when it rises to its maximum and will start to drop. At this time, the surface of the dough begins to become covered with "wrinkles".

By the time of preparation,baking - rub out eggs with sugar and melt the butter. In the distance of the spit add baking and the remaining flour, knead the dough and leave it for two - two and a half hours for lifting. During this time, the dough will need to be kneaded once. From this test it is possible to bake buns, rolls, pies and other baked pastries.

But the recipe for a yeast test, following whichyou can cope with cooking much faster. We need a glass of warm water, a bag of yeast of the brand "Saf-Moment," a pound of flour, an egg, seven teaspoons of vegetable oil, half a spoonful of salt and a tablespoon of sugar.

Take half the norm of the liquid (by the way, do notbe sure to take water, you can use milk, serum, kefir), yeast, a teaspoon of sugar and a couple of spoons of flour. Prepare the spoon and leave it for ten minutes. At this time, stir in the other bowl eggs with the remaining sugar, water, butter and flour. When the opara rises, pour it to the rest of the products and knead the soft dough. Leave it for half an hour in a warm place, and then proceed to cutting. As you can see, this recipe for yeast dough is more simple and quick.

Yeast dough can be prepared without adding baking. Such pastries are great for those who hold fasting. In addition, the products from dough that does not contain muffins, for a long time do not become stale.

So, to make a yeast lean dough, take three to three and a half cups of flour, half a standard package of dry yeast, a glass of water, a spoonful of salt and five tablespoons of lean oil.

Pour water into a bowl, pour in yeast, sugarand stir. As foam appears on the surface, pour in oil, salt and one glass of flour, stir. Then pour the next glass of flour and stir again. We got a thick enough dough, so the next glass is poured onto the board and there we pour out our dough, continuing to knead it until it ceases to be sticky. We put the dough for lifting. When it increases by a factor of one and a half, we knead and wait again until it rises. After the second rise, the dough can be cut, forming various products.

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