Herbal liqueur "Jägermeister": how to drink and what to eat

Recently, on the shelves of our storesthere are drinks that have been popular for many years abroad. Such novelties include "Jägermeister". How to drink this liqueur, know not all, because the domestic tradition of drinking alcoholic beverages for this product does not fit.

Jägermeister how to drink

General information about Jägermeister

This world-famous trademark was createdfor many years. Originally this herbal liqueur, infused with natural medicinal raw materials, was used to improve the digestive system. Many who tried this drink, recognized how good "Jägermeister." Mass production of this product began in 1935 in the city of Wolfenbüttel. Produced by his company Mast-Jägermeister AG. In the process of making the drink, maceration (soaking) of medicinal herbs, spices, fruits in alcohol is carried out, after which the liquor is kept in specially prepared oak barrels. In the production of this liqueur, 56 different components are used.

This drink is quite expensive, so he whostill never tried it, can do it, having bought a small volume "Jägermeister". How to drink this liqueur correctly? Since this product belongs to the category of medicinal beverages, it is simply dangerous to consume it in large quantities. It has a sufficiently high strength (35%) and contains in its composition strong chemicals (infusion of herbs). Therefore, its use requires a special approach.

How to drink Jägermeister?

How to drink "Jägermeister" without harm to health?

Very popular is the so-called "classic"(ice) shot. This way of drinking "Jägermeister" is suitable for liquor lovers in pure form. Before consuming the drink, the bottle is cooled at -18 ° C for several hours. Then the cooled liqueur is poured into small shots (glasses), which are also cooled beforehand. They drink the drink in one gulp. When cooling "Jägermeister" becomes sweet and slightly viscous. Alcohol is almost not felt, but there is a pleasant aroma of herbs and spices. Thus, the cold "Jägermeister" is used as an aperitif.

Liqueur Jägermeister (how to drink?)

There are other ways of drinking this liqueur. So, in small quantities you can use a warm "Jägermeister". How to drink a beverage at room temperature? It has a characteristic herbal flavor and somewhat bitter taste. To improve appetite and mood, prevent colds, it is enough to drink no more than 40 ml of this drink. In general, experts warn of the danger of excessive use of "Jägermeister." In a day you can not drink more than 250 ml of this drink, because there may be a strong intoxication, and there will be problems with digestion. It is strictly forbidden to mix this alcohol with beer.


Most often this liqueur is used forpreparation of cocktails. The main ingredient in such drinks is "Jägermeister". How to drink cocktails made on the basis of this product? Almost all drinks with "Jägermeister" are drunk with the addition of ice cubes. For making cocktails you can use other liqueurs (Blue Curacao, "Bailey"), sprite, orange or pomegranate juice, syrup "Grenadine".

Liqueur "Jägermeister" - how to drink it, it is already clear,- it is necessary to have something to eat. The Germans do not give exact instructions about the products that are recommended to use after this liquor. A good snack can be fried sausages or other meat products. In some countries, it is preferred to have a slice of orange with cinnamon or lemon.

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