How to bake beets in the oven correctly

Beetroot was also eaten by the ancient Romans. In the middle of the XIX century it already enjoyed enough popularity, in particular, in the famous book of recipes Mrs. Beaton, 13 ways of cooking dishes from this root crop are given, among which there is beet jam and even beet pancakes. Beet is very rich in potassium, iron, calcium, copper and phosphorus. Beetroot leaves, which taste and smell like spinach, contain a large amount of vitamin A. Vitamin B9 is needed in the beet to prevent heart disease. In addition, this vitamin takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin, is important for the prevention of anemia and leukemia. Beetroot has rejuvenating properties, which are manifested due to the presence in it of folic acid, which contributes to the appearance of new cells. Another important element that determines the rejuvenating properties of beets is quartz, which is necessary for vessels, bones and skin. Beet helps to cleanse the liver, kidneys and blood, reduces acidity in the stomach.

How is it best to cook beets? The answer is unambiguous - bake it. This article and tell you how to bake the beetroot in an oven or microwave. The arguments in favor of this method of preparation are as follows:

  1. Beetroot in the oven is much more useful and tastier than boiled, because it contains all the valuable ingredients that are lost during cooking.
  2. Baked beets retain their rich, beautiful beetroot color for a long time.
  3. You can not be afraid that the water will boil, because of what the beet can burn.
  4. After cooking in the oven or microwave oven, you do not need to clean up the kitchen and wash the dishes.

How to bake beets in the oven? There are several options, one of them is offered below, which is distinguished by its simplicity.

We take one large beet or a few small ones. Before you bake the beetroot in the oven, the root is thoroughly washed, you can use a brush. To clean from a peel it is not necessary, to dry and dry - too though in some recipes advise to dry a beet. We place beets in a special sleeve for baking or a perforated cellophane bag, we tie the ends of the sleeve on both sides. On a baking tray or a deep plate, we lay the foil in two layers. On the foil we lay the sleeve with the beet, which is again wrapped in two layers of foil on top. All this is placed in the already heated to 200 degrees oven for one and a half to two hours - the cooking time depends on the variety and size of the beets.

Readiness is verified by piercing with a sharp wooden stick or fork. After cooking, let the beets cool down, without removing it from the foil.

Thus, you learned how to bake beets in the oven in the simplest and most common way. Next, you will become acquainted with how to cook this root in a microwave oven.

How to bake beetroot in a microwave oven
The preparation of beets in this way is extremely simple. On this you will take much less time than cooking it on a regular gas stove or in the oven.

What is needed for that:

  1. microwave (with sufficient power, not less than 700, and better than 800 watts);
  2. washed beet;
  3. special glassware for microwave ovens (in the absence of a deep dish or a plastic bag with perforations).

Beets are prepared very simply and quickly, as alreadywas said above. First carefully my root crop. Then with a sharp object (an awl or fork) we make holes in it. Next, we place the beets on a plate or in a bag, while adding water is not necessary anywhere! We put in the microwave for 10 minutes, if the power is 800 watts. If the microwave oven is weaker, then the cooking time increases, if more powerful - decreases. After this time, beet can be considered ready for immediate use or use as an ingredient to another dish.

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