Chicken curry - a recipe for oriental cooks

Often there is a desire to try someextravagant dishes and sharp spices, I want to change the usual tastes and flavors. To help in such situations, of course, comes the cuisine of different countries, in particular oriental dishes, for example, chicken curry. This recipe we will embody in reality.

Indian cuisine is rich in its traditions and notis always understandable to Europeans. But it has eastern wisdom, which is not always understandable to the inhabitants of the metropolis. Traditions and religion do not allow Indians to eat the meat of a sacred animal, and since the reign of the Buddhist king Ashoka, meat dishes have become very limited. And only in the modern world, India began to return to its tables such dishes as chicken curry. The recipe is very interesting for our spaces, given the set of spices and seasonings. And curry is a set of ingredients that vary greatly depending on the region of India, the sharp taste and spicy trail of aroma remains unchanged.

The sauce necessarily includes the root of turmeric,this is the main component of a piquant smell, neutral to taste, which allows combinations of different additions (spices and herbs) to vary the taste severity, based on your own preferences. And the curry sauce gives a beautiful golden brown color to the whole dish. Curcuma also contains an active substance, which has long been considered curative, it is probably it is the prevention of such a terrible ailment, as Alzheimer's. Since the inhabitants of this particular country suffer from statistics, they are many times less likely than those living in other countries of the world. In general, Indian cuisine is more resistant to the vegetarian direction, believing that unity with nature has beneficial effects on the soul and body. Herbs and plant foods are given a greater preference.

To cook a dish, the chicken should be chosenaverage fatness and thaw before cooking, the best option is to thaw in the refrigerator at 4-6 ° C, but it's better to take chilled meat. It is preferable to take the fillet or chicken, releasing it from the bones. Chicken curry, the recipe of which we will embody includes the following compound dishes: chicken - 1200 grams (or fillets of 800), 150 grams of sour cream or curdled milk, lemon juice -50 grams, coriander, paprika, red pepper, salt - 5 grams, garlic - 30 grams, 15 grams of fresh ginger.

Sauce in kind, as it is used inIndia, it is difficult to cook in our conditions because of the spices that we have rarely seen, so a sauce powder is used. Chicken curry, the recipe of which includes cooking the sauce itself, requires the following ingredients: 70 grams of butter, 200 grams of tomato juice, 2 tablespoons of curry, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 100 grams of cream, 50 grams of roasted almonds. Cut the fillet into portions, wash under water and dry with napkins. Grate it with a mixture of coriander, salt and black pepper. Prepare a marinade of sour cream, chopped garlic, ginger, grated on a large grater, lemon juice, paprika and remnants of the mixture. Stir until uniform, dip the fillets into it and leave overnight in the refrigerator. Fry the fillets until half cooked in a frying pan or bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Curry with chicken recipes has a verybut we will make the sauce like this: butter it on a small fire in a frying pan with high walls, add dry curry powder and mix it in oil. Pour into it tomato juice and bring the mass to a boil, pour sugar and dissolve it, stirring constantly so it does not burn. Pour the cream and put the portions in the pan. On a small fire, bring the contents of the dishes to a boil and simmer under a covered lid for 12-15 minutes. Add crushed almonds and turn off the fire. We give the dish 4-6 minutes to soak and soak with spices. We put it on the plates. Traditionally, curry with rice and Indian lavash is served.

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