Do you know how to make a Caesar salad?

Today many, trying to save time,buy ready-made salads. And every year, these people are becoming more and more. But all the same it is much more pleasant, when on a celebratory table there are the dishes prepared by own hands. And on sale it is possible to find far not all salads.

For example, now in Russia everything is growingpopularity gains Caesar salad. Named this dish was in honor of its creator Italian Caesar Cardini, and not in honor of the Roman ruler Julius Caesar, as many mistakenly think. Appeared this dish not so long ago and probably not all the hostess knows how to make a Caesar salad. This salad is not only delicious, but also light. He has an average calorie content and the lowest glycemic index, so you can eat it every day and not be afraid to get well. There are many variations of this wonderful dish, for example, with meat, with chicken, with fish, with pineapples and so on. Each mistress can also make her own changes, but first you need to know how to make a Caesar salad classic.

A classic salad recipe contains the followingIngredients: white bread or loaf - 100 grams, romaine lettuce - 400 grams, 1 clove of garlic, egg - 1 piece, olive oil - 50 grams, juice of one lemon, a bit of Worcester sauce, grated Parmesan cheese - two tablespoons, mustard, salt , sugar and freshly ground black pepper to taste. The preparation of this recipe will take about half an hour. First you need to prepare lettuce leaves. They should be thoroughly washed and dried. With white bread, you need to remove the crust and cut it into small, neat cubes one centimeter wide. In a frying pan pour olive oil and fry the chopped garlic. Then the garlic is removed and the diced bread is fried in this oil until golden.

Before making a Caesar salad, you need to prepare a special sauce for it.
If at home there are two or three quail eggs, thenyou can use them in raw form. Chicken the same egg must be boiled on a small fire for one minute. After that, the egg is broken into a cup and ground with a teaspoon of mustard and lemon juice. After the components are thoroughly mixed, you can add a couple of droplets of Worcester sauce or one drop of vinegar. Then gently pour olive oil. Add the spices and mix everything with a mixer.
Salad bowl rubbed with garlic, stacked raggedLettuce leaves and pour one third of the sauce. Now spread the fried pieces of bread and pour out the remaining sauce on top. Above, the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese. As you can see, everything is very simple.

And now a few words about how to make Caesar with chicken meat.
The following ingredients will be needed: a bunch of salad, 300 grams of chicken, it is better to take a breast, white bread - 200 grams, parmesan cheese - 100 grams, olive oil for frying. To make the sauce you need 100 milliliters of olive oil, one egg, a clove of garlic, greens, pepper and salt to taste.

How to make Caesar salad classic you alreadyyou know, you also need to make a popular salad with chicken. In this case chicken meat is cut into cubes of the same size as bread, and also fry in a pan until golden. Fried meat should be peppered and salt to taste. But you need to do this carefully, so as not to overdo it. What to do if the salted soup is clear. You can, for example, simply add boiled water.

And what can you do if you accidentally over-saltedsalad? You can prepare another serving of the same salad, only without salt, and then mix everything. If desired, the salad can be decorated with cherry tomatoes. Caesar salad is served on the table at once, otherwise the crackers will get wet and the taste of the salad will worsen.

Many salads, especially classic ones, are delicious. But especially those salads that are made by themselves.

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