Simple recipes for cooking herring

One of the most inexpensive fish varieties on ourcounters - it's frozen herring. It costs about the same amount as the fish that we buy for our pets. For some reason, many underestimate the taste of herring and do not even think about what can be cooked from it. Nevertheless, there are numerous recipes for the preparation of herring, for which it is very delicious. First of all, this is traditional salting herring, but there are recipes for herring preparation in various other variants.

For example, a fried herring can be very tasty. Naturally, for the frying is taken unsalted fish, usually frozen. Many believe that fried herring has an unpleasant smell, but it is not so - it is delicious, tender and juicy, no worse than many other varieties of fish. The herring is cooked in the same way as any other fish of the appropriate size - slices or whole, in batter or flour, as you like.

Of course, the most widespreadsalted herring, and the recipes for herring and snacks are truly diverse. This and a lot of salads, and pates - they are in many cuisines of the peoples of the world, but we have traditionally enjoyed a special love. At us even a dish for a fish is called not somehow, but a herring-pot.

The simplest snack from this fish is a herring withonions. Everything is done more than just: one fish, one onion, vegetable oil and lemon are taken. The herring is cut in the most ordinary way, that is, the intestines are removed from it. With regard to cleaning herring, then, in principle, the skin can and do not remove - some specially left it, reasonably believing that it is so delicious. Naturally, such an option is acceptable only for a meal in a warm company of "their people", because the process of eating unpeeled herring involves some intimacy, and, of course, scales need to be cleaned very carefully. Onion is cut with beautiful rings or as it turns out, and one half of it is laid out on the bottom of the dishes (traditionally it's a herring, as well as any other plate), the herring, cut into small portions, is laid on top, covered with the remaining onions, sprinkled with lemon, sprinkled with a small amount of vegetable oil and, if possible, it is left for a while to marinate, usually, very briefly. Sometimes vinegar is used instead of a lemon, but its sharp smell is able to kill even the natural aroma of fish, so it is undesirable to use it.

Also in the category of "favorite cooking recipesherring "includes an unforgettable salad" Herring under the fur coat. " Unforgettable - in the first place, because it is not forgotten to cook for any more or less noteworthy holiday. In principle, this salad has such qualities as an unusual rich taste, undeniable benefits, a small cost of cooking, and it could be prepared not only on holidays, but also for dinner, but stops the preparation of ingredients. If vegetables for it are cooked for a long time, but by themselves, the process of cutting herring for this salad takes a lot of time, strength and peace of mind. You can take, of course, the finished fillet in the preserves, but the taste of this will not benefit, and the chemical composition of them, as a rule, is able to surprise the laboratory assistant with a good experience.

One herring is taken one beet mediumsizes, one large carrot or a few small ones, one large onion, three or four potatoes, a pack of mayonnaise and, as a rule, anything else. Quite often a salad is decorated with a boiled egg on top or a whole layer is made of them, or, for example, a grated apple is used as one of the layers - this is quite tasty, since it further enhances the taste contrast for which we like this salad.

All vegetables except for onion are cooked until ready andLay out layers in a certain way, and some layers are smeared with mayonnaise. First comes the grated potatoes, which are smeared with mayonnaise, the herring and onion, or onions and herring, or the herring mixed with onions are spread on it, there are eternal disputes here, and one opinion does not exist, but the main thing is that they are finely chopped. Onions should be able to pickle in mayonnaise, so it is highly desirable to lubricate them. Then you can rub the apple, best of all, sweet and sour. Then there is mayonnaise, carrots, mayonnaise, beets again, then a lot of mayonnaise and a decoration in the form of a grated egg, if there is such a desire. People's favorite salad is ready.

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