Recipe "Harcho" from beef, or Classics of Georgian cuisine

You can safely say that the soup "Harcho" is the mosta famous dish of Georgian cuisine. Maybe not so many people have tried it, but heard about it almost everything. The recipe "Harcho" from beef is considered a classic, and it is prepared quite simply. The main "highlight" is a set of spices. That's the trouble with them. Buy them can be good in an age of plenty live, it remains only to get courage and risk to cook something completely unfamiliar, but quite worthy and worthwhile.

soups from beef recipes with photos

Recipe "Harcho" of beef begins with cookingbroth. To do this, you just need to fold the portions of the beef brisket into a saucepan of cold water and cook over low heat for about an hour, remembering to remove the formed foam. Navar must be thick and transparent. Then add finely chopped roots (carrots and celery) and let them cook. We add separately toasted onions, rice, finely chopped tomatoes, pounded walnuts. And now, most importantly, tkemali sauce or pickles (sour lavash). One of these ingredients, you must add to your soup, since it is the sweet and sour tone of the plums, well, the set of spices, of course, give "Harcho" such a unique taste. Minutes for five to readiness should be added spices, garlic and greens of coriander. Give the soup a little brew and serve.

dishes of beef with a photo
Recipe "Harcho" from beef, from lamb orPork can not be imagined without a characteristic, spicy flavor. That's what it's worth talking about separately. You can just buy a bag with the inspirational inscription "Harcho". You can go to the market and rely on the sellers of spices. It's great if you're lucky, and they will be traded by a Georgian or a Georgian, well, or at least someone who knows exactly how Harcho should smell. If you are not lucky, then you need to make a spicy mixture yourself. To do this, you need 10 peas of black pepper, two tablespoons of ground chabera (do not mix with thyme, these are completely different plants), half a teaspoon of ground coriander and red pepper, two teaspoons of "Hmeli-Suneli", a pair of laurel leaves.

Now it is necessary to specify the recipe "Harcho" from beefthe points. The fact is that it is in it does not adhere to the main soup rule that the broth should be exactly half. This dish is thick. Therefore, the above set of herbs must be prepared, and then used:

recipe for beef bacon

- 2.5 liters of water;

- 700 gr. beef brisket;

- 100 gr. rice;

- 0,5 glasses of ground walnuts;

- 5 tablespoons tkemali or a piece of clover, the size of the palm;

- 2 tomatoes;

- 4 onions;

- 1 carrot;

- 1 root of parsley.

Georgian beef soups, recipes with photowhich simply abound on the Internet, for many are a closed "topic" only because they really do not know the true taste of the dishes. But you should not be afraid. You need to try, and you will certainly get to prepare "Tatariahni" or "Artala" soup. The Georgian cuisine is spicy, unique with its own set of spices, despite the opinion of many, not very sharp. Georgian dishes from beef with photos of glossy magazines look very appetizing. Try to cook them, treat your loved ones. Over time, your skillful handling of recipes will bear fruit. Good luck.

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