Pink cake from mastic for a girl. Secrets of cooking mastics and tips for decorating

The undisputed leader of all desserts, of course,is a cake. No important festive event, especially a children's birthday, does not do without such a dessert. A special delight in the child is caused by cakes decorated with mastic.

pink cake

It's about how to make it at home and how to decorate the cake with it, and we'll discuss it today. Let's figure out how to make a beautiful pink cake for your princess.

We evolve myths

Many mothers believe that a cake for a girl for a daybirth must certainly be ordered in a specialized confectionery or from private traders. In fact, it's just a myth that only masters can decorate cakes with mastic. And at home, knowing the right recipe, you can easily prepare a delicious and proper mastic. How can this be done?

Milk mastic

There are several formulations that allowmake the mastic at home. Someone does it with gelatin, others buy and melt candy in a microwave oven. One of the most popular is based on the use of milk.

cake for a girl


  • 150 grams of milk powder.
  • 200 grams of condensed milk.
  • Two teaspoons of lemon juice.
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar.
  • One teaspoon of vodka or cognac.
  • Food coloring is pink.

The process of creating a mastic in this recipeso simple that even an inexperienced young landlady can cope with it. You just need to mix all the ingredients. It is recommended to do this until the mastic becomes malleable and it will be comfortable to warm up in hands. If it is too liquid, then gradually add the powdered sugar. If it, on the contrary, began to crumble or crumble, then less powder, more lemon juice.

Than such mastic is good. Firstly, it is prepared very quickly. Secondly, to make it very simple. Thirdly, it perfectly conveys the colors of dyes. If, for example, you want a white and pink cake, then white will be bright white, and pink - bright pink, as you wanted. As a rule, mastic, which is made from gelatin or sweets does not give such a white shade. It is more matte, closer to beige. But sometimes we need a white-white color of dessert.

cake for a girl

Pink color. How to choose a dye

It is very important to choose and purchase food colors for mastic. If you need a pink cake, which color is better to buy?

There is an option of using dry dyes. But it is better to apply it in those cases when there is a need to tint some small details. Such a dye will give only a slight tint, but you will not get a rich pink color.

The second option - food coloring liquid. This option is more acceptable if you are going to make a bright cake for a girl. Liquid color can be added directly during the preparation of the mastic, replacing part of the milk. And you can add already after, when the mass is almost the right consistency.

cake white pink

There is a third option, which is very oftenuse professional confectioners. These are gel dyes. They will also give a bright saturated shade, but at the same time they will be more economical. Such dyes can be used not only to impart color to the mastic. If, for example, the idea and inside should be a pink cake. Add a little gel color to the dough or cream. With dry or liquid dyes, this option will not work, they can be used only for staining the mastic. But with the gel - please, at least in the dough, even in the glaze, even in the cream (except protein).

How to decorate cake with mastic

Having learned how to make mastic with your own hands,you can proceed to the main action - to create a beautiful pink cake from mastic. Pink it will be either red, white or green - it does not matter. The principle of work with this confectionery material is the same for all colors and shades.

 cake from mastic pink

To start, the material needs to be properlyroll out a rolling pin. We do the same manipulations, as with the usual test, only instead of flour we (to not stick) pour the powdered sugar. Then, having thought over the concept, we cut out the details, figures, figures, flowers from a sheet of mastic. If you have the skill and desire, you can create a variety of three-dimensional shapes or decorate plastic molds with mastic.

You can cover the cake with a single sheet, and only then on it already place decorations. There are a lot of stencils, so you should not have any problems with options and ideas.

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