Milk porridge. Recipes for children

Dairy nutrition is something that is inconceivable withoutthe child's diet, because it is based on a product containing such substances and components, without which the human body can not exist: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, hormones, immune bodies, vitamins and inorganic salts.

It is known that the nutritional value of one literMilk corresponds to 7-8 chicken eggs, 500 grams of beef and at least 3 kg of vegetables. Research scientists have shown that children, before reaching 12 years of age per day should consume 800-1200 ml of milk, and older children and adults around 500 or 700 ml. Both whole and fresh milk has bactericidal properties, that is, it can destroy microorganisms or delay their development. The purer it was and the sooner it was cooled, the longer it retains these qualities. This is evidenced by the shelf life of milk: the uncooled milk after milking is brewing after two to four hours, and the chilled properly to 8-10 degrees does not spoil up to 2.5 days. At dairy plants it is processed, filtered and pasteurized, which helps to extend the shelf life and save nutrients.

Thanks to the excellent digestibility of the body, thisthe product is used for cooking in a children's kitchen. Recipes of dairy dishes are very diverse. They are tasty, nutritious and numerous. First of all, it's milk porridge.

Recipes for toddlers are a bit different. Semolina can be cooked five and ten per cent. Water slightly podlit, boil and in a boiling with a thin stream pour 5 grams or 10 grams of sifted cereals. Cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly. Then pour 50 ml or 100 ml of heated milk and a spoonful of syrup from sugar, boil again and remove from the plate. Add a piece of cow's oil to the plate.

There are milk porridge, the recipes of which are supplementedvarious additives. For example, semolina porridge with berries. It can be cooked in winter, replacing fresh fruit with dry ones. Separately, you need to make a puree from one apple or a quarter of a glass of berries (they correspond to 30 g dry): put them under the lid with a little water, strain through a sieve and boil until thick. Slightly cool and combine with the finished ten percent manna porridge, mix and boil again.

Dried fruits before grinding must be washedand hold for a while in cold water until swelling. Of course, there are not only semolina milk porridges. Recipes are advised to cook on it and oatmeal, and rice, and others. With fruit puree you can cook buckwheat porridge. Necessary components: 500 ml of milk, buckwheat flour 50 g, 25 ml of sugar syrup, 5 ml of a twenty-five percent salt solution, 150 ml of puree from fruit, 15 g of cow's oil. Buckwheat flour pour into boiling milk and cook, stirring vigorously, for five minutes. Then add syrup, salt, fruit puree and boil again. Put a piece of butter in a bowl of porridge.

For babies after a year the same milk porridgerecipes are simpler, are prepared from whole grains, and not from ground, you can add more salt and sugar. For example, buckwheat. Now you can take 2 liters of milk, 2.5 cups of yogurt and a spoonful of salt. Everything is very simple. Buckwheat porridge is cooked in a classic way, cooled, laid out on plates and poured hot milk.

In dietary nutrition is not the last placerecipes of milk: porridge and jelly especially. The diet of the elderly should also consist of the right amount of complete proteins containing essential amino acids of animal proteins that enter the body with the use of dairy and fish products.

Milk jelly is prepared from a liter of milk,half a glass of sugar and two tablespoons of starch from corn or potatoes. Boil three glasses of milk with added sugar. Separately in a glass of chilled milk, carefully break the starch and gradually pour into the milk, which is boiling, without stopping stirring, jelly continue to boil for another five minutes on low heat. You can flavor it with vanilla sugar, fruit essences or citrus peel. Pour hot jelly into cups or plates, refrigerate.

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