How to salt cabbage in a jar in brine: the basic recipe

Before talking about how to salt cabbage inbank in the brine, I would like to say a few words about why this should be done at all. Well, the preparation of pickles in the old days is clear - our ancestors did not have refrigerators or hypermarkets where you can buy fresh vegetables and fruits at any time.

Of course, we can say that salt cabbagehot brine is needed in order to diversify your table with new dishes and expand the range of taste sensations. In part this is true, but only partly.

how to salt cabbage in a jar in brine

You probably read that in the old daysships that went on long voyages, often erupted epidemics of scurvy, which often completely dies out the crews. But it happened only with foreign sailors, and Russian sailors went quietly to round-the-world voyages, and not a single crew was dying from a lack of vitamins. And this was provided by sauerkraut. It literally miraculously accumulated a huge supply of vitamins, allowing seamen not to have health problems.

You can talk a lot about how tasty and usefulsauerkraut, but we still try not to get carried away and return to how to salt cabbage in a jar in the brine. First of all, we will answer the question of why in banks. This is the most convenient container, not including barrels and enameled pots. But the first in a city apartment has nowhere to put, and the latter may be needed for cooking. So it turns out that glass jars are the most convenient option.

how to salt cabbage in brine

How to salt cabbage in a jar in brine

For salting you need to choose only white-frontedvegetables, as they give the most unmatched crunch and a sufficient amount of juice. Before you salt the cabbage in a jar in the brine, it must be chopped. Here comes the very case when it is not necessary to be particularly tiny. It is noticed that large-chopped cabbage turns out to be more delicious than chopped with tiny little threads.

One average head is enough forthree-liter jar. It comes with one medium-sized carrot, a dozen peppercorns, a garlic head, 2 tablespoons of salt, three bay leaves and a teaspoon of sugar.

salt cabbage with hot brine

Shredded cabbage mixed with grateda large grated carrot and grind with salt. This is done to make the cabbage juice. Then put in a jar and tightly rammed layer by layer, podkidyvaya between the layers of garlic, pepper and bay leaf. Do not fill the jar at the very top - leave some space for the brine. Ideal option - loading on the shoulders. After ramming cabbage, the jar should be placed in a warm room, placing a deep plate under it. The allocated juice will play and begin to pour over the edges of the can, and the plate will not let it run away. Twice a day check the condition of your cabbage and pierce it with a wooden stick, allowing the gases to stand out freely. After a couple of days, merge all the accumulated brine into a saucepan, boil it, cool it and return it to where it was taken, that is, into a jar. If the liquid, in your opinion, is small, add a little water. Now you know how to salt cabbage in a brine. It remains only to withstand it for several hours in the cold - and can be served to the table.

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