Recipe for stuffed pike: this toothy fish can also be tender

It would be interesting to calculate how much totaledible fish types exist in our world. Probably, the enumeration would take a lot of time, and an exemplary list would occupy more than one page. We cook and eat fish not only of different "origins" - freshwater or oceanic, but also of different sizes.

The same can be said about diversityways of cooking fish - it can be boiled and baked in the oven, used to make soups, broths, pies, salads, casseroles. You can cook on the grill or in the form of a shish kebab, fry in a frying pan, stuff it and even eat raw, in the form of sushi and sashimi.

If you compare all the recommendations and recipescooking various dishes from fish, then the winner of a unique competition, no doubt, will be a recipe for stuffed pike. This fish is delicious and, with proper preparation and processing, can turn into a fabulous dish, served in earlier times on the table only to royal and royal people. To make this small culinary miracle, you should, first and foremost, choose the fish of the highest quality and freshness - and for this, the appearance of its scales is of great importance. Fresh pike must necessarily be covered with a thin layer of mucus of a transparent color, and scales are bright and bright. "Meat" must necessarily be elastic, the gills - a bright pink or red color, and the abdomen should not be swollen.

There is one major drawback for this species of fish,which forces chefs to conduct thorough preparation before performing a recipe for stuffed pike. Her "meat" is not as gentle as that of other fish, and has a sharp, peculiar odor. Therefore, the preparation of pike stuffed must be preceded by preparation - the carcass should be thoroughly rinsed and dried, and from inside rubbed with a slice of lemon, which will break the fragrance of mud. In addition to pike, one of the best recipes will require a loaf (1 piece), one egg, a little vegetable oil, milk and seasonings, including garlic, pepper and greens.

Already prepared pike - grated and wateredlemon, sprinkled with spices and insisted, you need to get rid of the "skin", carefully taking it off "stocking", and put it aside while the filling is ready. For stuffing, you need to take a loaf and soak it in milk, then grind with a meat grinder along with the "meat" of the pike. The prepared forcemeat mixes with greens, an egg and seasonings, to taste it prays and goes to the "skin" of the fish. Further, as the recipe of stuffed pike says, the dish can be sent to a greased baking sheet and for half an hour (depending on the size of the carcass) send the baked. This dish is best served with fresh vegetables and herbs.

There is also another recipe, which, with an accurateperformance makes it possible to create such a dish as a stuffed pike in the oven is truly magical. To do this, take a fish fillet (1.8 kg.), Flour (100 gr.), Milk (100 ml.), Smoked bacon and fresh mushrooms (100 gr.). Furthermore, garlic and onion will require (1 pc.), Anchovy (3 pcs.), Lemon juice (20 g.) And various seasoning to taste. First you need to pour the milk with flour, fry the onion and onions in a frying pan, then add the mushrooms and anchovies. When the flour in milk swell, it can be mixed with sauteed mushrooms and onions, knead thick beef, adding salt and seasonings to taste. After the greens and lemon juice are added to the stuffing mixture, it can be spread inside the pike carcass. Next, a hole in the abdomen of the fish must be carefully sewn, the carcass and put in the pan, brushing extruded garlic with spices, lemon juice, sprinkle shavings butter. Next, the recipe for stuffed pike suggests sending the food to the oven for about 40 minutes. Periodically, the pan should be extracted and watered with the juice. Lemon juice and greens will be an excellent side dish to this dish.

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