How to make quail in the oven. Quail - cooking in the oven

The game is very different in taste from the usualmeat. This also applies to wild birds. Chicken, goose or turkey, no doubt, tasty, but they have a rather fat meat (culinary experts also call it tender), while individuals that survive on their own in nature are basically muscular. And people who think that the "wild" meat is tough and not tasty, just do not know the subtleties of its preparation.

how to cook quail in the oven

Quail: not only delicious, but also useful

Meanwhile, bird game has long been considereddelicacy. If you do everything right, you will want this dish and wait for the next holiday, at which it will be served. It is clear that many of the nuances have now become inaccessible to us simply due to the circumstances (for example, where to find a fireplace or fireplace, suitable for cooking game). However, if you know how to prepare quail, in the oven, they will get you no worse than on an open fire.

At the same time, their meat (as, indeed, the eggs, whichknows a much larger number of people) is very useful. Vessels and bones from it strengthen, the liver gets rid of many ailments, the stomach, kidneys and lungs start to work normally. Moreover (although quail meat and very high in calories), it fully meets all the dietary requirements, since it is absorbed almost completely and does not form harmful compounds at the same time. So the baked quail in the oven will be useful not only for your desired weight loss, but also for a forced (medically reasonable) diet, which is often boring and tasteless.

quail cooking in the oven

Secrets of storage

It is also noteworthy that the quailcompared with another bird in fresh form is kept long enough. It does not require freezing, and it is not necessary to sniff suspiciously, whether it was lost before preparing the quails in the oven: the meat remains fresh for a week without any effort on your part. This is due to the fact that the muscle, of which the quail is mainly composed, is lysozyme, a natural conservative. It is he who does not let the carcase go bad.

Now it's easier to get this game: the poultry is grown in nurseries, as close to natural conditions. So do not have to frantically look for a gun, learn to shoot and go hunting. And knowing that quail meat will benefit the body and taste good, it is worth taking note of the recipe for making quails in the oven.

baked quail in the oven

A couple of subtleties of cooking

Because these birds are very small (lesssome pigeons), recipes for their preparation are constrained. First of all, a very good quail soup - it will even eat very capricious children. In the fried form of the carcass there is little left, but if they are browned very quickly, and then put out, the result will please.

Most of the advice for cooking this game is how to make quails in the oven. And this is reasonable: in the volume the birdies do not decrease much, but the aroma and taste of the game remain.

Another tip: It is not necessary to use usual chicken spices when cooking a quail. Spoil the original product! Do not be lazy to go to the market and buy real herbs: basil, parsley, marjoram. And the dish will turn out fragrant, and taste of game will not fill with artificial and too strong smells. And it is not necessary to use quails or mayonnaise when preparing quails. They are products of civilization, and they are not compatible with the game! Want tomatoes - pomelite tomatoes and connect them with your favorite spices. No - make sour cream sauce. But do not do anything artificial!

recipe for cooking quail in the oven


Most likely, you will get carcasses fromsome store (and hopefully not frozen). That is, before preparing the quails in the oven, they do not have to be plucked and gutted. However, for most recipes to form a carcass still have to.

In any case, the birds will have to be washed well. Most recipes are also advised to dry them with napkins. Wings are refilled by the back. To quail (cooking in the oven involves a significant impact of fire) are not burned in particularly vulnerable places, the legs are inserted inside the peritoneum. The carcass comes out very compact. In this form, no parts of the body burn, and the baked quail in the oven turns tender and juicy on all sides.

Baked in a simple way

This recipe is for those to whom guests have suddenly come, or some kind of celebration is scheduled for a working day. In this case, the recipe for baking quails in the oven without much effort is especially relevant.

Ingredients will also need a little: for 4 carcasses - a spoon (dining room) of olive oil, for tea - salt and black pepper. These spices are thoroughly mixed - preferably until complete homogeneity. And with such a composition, the folded birds are rubbed, both on the outside and inside. Then quail, poured with olive oil, is placed in a well-heated oven for 20 minutes, during which a minimum of three times watered with juice.

how to bake quails in the oven

The recipe for making quails in the oven variesfrom the cook to the cook. However, one thing remains unchanged: watering birds is mandatory. For especially lazy, you can pour half a cup of water into the pan at the very beginning of the baking. The dish will be juicy, not burn, but ... of that taste, as if watering with juice, you will not achieve this way.

Abundance of ways: the sleeve, in the opinion of many, is mandatory

This opinion has the right to exist. Yet they are hard, quail. Preparation in the oven is not always able to make them juicy and soft, and the sleeve - can. Therefore, to begin with, a marinade is made, based on a small amount of lean oil in which your favorite herbs and spices are mixed. Juicy lemon juice should also be an indispensable participant. In this composition, carcasses must lie at least a couple of hours. Then they are placed in a sleeve, where a spoonful of water is added, and into the oven for 45 minutes. A quarter of an hour before the ready sleeve is cut. It is necessary that your quail be reddened and do not look like boiled carcass.

Naturally, this is not the only way. Quite surprising is the recipe, which is called "with eggplant", but should be called "in eggplant". The bottom line is that the internals are removed from the blue ones, and the quail is laid in the salted walls. On the baking tray in the oven vegetable is put up, covered with half of tomato and poured with lean oil or fat. It is baked - and in the mouth!

So there is reason to experiment or just cook the baked quails in the oven. Feel yourself, finally, an aristocrat!

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