Rassolnik with pearl barley

Such a familiar from childhood and a favorite dish, likerassolnik with pearl barley, in children's food is used often enough. The first time the baby tries this soup in the kindergarten. We do not part with him at school either. Rassolnik with pearl bar school cooks cook often. And it's not surprising. After all, it contains all the products necessary for the child: meat, vegetables and cereals.

Boil such a soup at home is not difficult. You just need to know a few tricks that will make it tastier. Preparation of pickle with pearl bar begins with the selection of all necessary components. We need a few potatoes, a bulb, two medium-sized pickles, carrots, a few leaves of laurel and peas of black and fragrant pepper, fresh greens, salt, half a glass of pearl barley and half-kilo chicken giblets. After washing off the giblets and chopping them into small pieces, pour two liters of water, lightly salted and cook the dietary broth. In the prepared broth, add the steamed barley.

Peel our vegetables from the peel, beforehandwashing them under running water. Potatoes cut into small slabs, carrots and onions - straws. It is convenient to use for grinding a grater for Korean salads. With its help, all components are obtained by cutting pieces of the same size. We put the potatoes in the broth and continue to cook. Cucumbers cut into thin strips and squeezed from excess brine. Heat the frying pan, grease it with vegetable oil. Fry carrots, cucumbers and onions. Add the vegetables, spices, and let them to the broth until ready. Fresh greenery, finely chopped and put in a small bowl. Ready-made pickle with pearl bar we spill on plates. Served on the table with fresh herbs and sour cream.

To quickly cook a dinner, you need to know howto prepare a pickle with a pearl barley. If you planned to include it in the menu tomorrow, soak the pearl barley for the night. By morning it will absorb water well and will double. Then you will spend only twenty minutes preparing it. This will be enough, putting the rump in the broth the very first ingredient.

But, if you decide to cookrassolnik with a pearl bar at the last minute, it is worth using another way. Putting the broth on one burner, set the second to cook a saucepan with pearl barley. At the time of the broth preparation, the croup is already cooked to half ready. It is enough to drain the water from it and add it to the soup to prepare further. Such a small trick will help get rid of the peculiar taste of cereals and not spend too much time preparing soup.

A dish is useful not only for children, but also for adults. Having a brackish-sour taste, it is great for lunch on a hot day. Rassolnik can be served and cold. A broth from chicken giblets makes it a dietary dish. And after a variety of festive feasts with abundant libations, this soup is simply irreplaceable. It will help restore the water-salt balance in the body and greatly alleviate the symptoms of a hangover.

Of course, it is not necessary to usehis cooking offal. No less tasty broth is obtained from pork ribs or beef. Use the meat that you have available. You can make this soup on vegetable broth, not meat. In this case, you will receive a lean dish, perfectly suitable for Lent. To do this, it is also necessary to soak the pearl barley for the night, and to the main vegetables it is necessary to add the root of parsley, garlic, tomato paste and, preferably, turnip. Get a dish, which was often prepared by our grandmothers during Lent.

Many people do not like this or that dish, onlybecause they tried not a very good option for its preparation. But having welded a pickle on our recipe, you will become his fan forever. When you cook with love, then everything works out.

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