Credit in cash at Uralsib Bank: "For your own" loan, cash without collateral, processing conditions

Demand creates a supply - this is the truth,proved by time and modern realities. Today, almost everyone is a client of a lot of lending organizations. Bank Uralsib is one of the most reliable and profitable banks for cooperation not only in lending. He successfully works in the framework of salary projects with a lot of public and private organizations. Caring for its customers, this financial institution offers special, most favorable loan conditions.

Uralsib loan for its

And for those who are already a client of Uralsib Bank, the loan "For their own" will be much more profitable and easy to design.

Credit offers

According to statistical data, the mostdemand for today kind of official loan is a loan in cash for any consumer needs. Demand is used by such programs as mortgage, auto- and commodity loans. Turnovers are gaining popularity with credit plastic cards (a spare wallet is required by many).

Bank Uralsib offers potential customers and those who already cooperate with the bank, a special line of credit products and services.

bank loans from Uralsib

It is fair to say that any loans of Uralsib Bank are characterized by favorable interest rates and an individual approach to each of the clients.

The run-off of the interest rate on the named productsbegins with the minimum values ​​- from 10.75% per annum (for a mortgage loan). The rate depends on the lending program and is selected for each client individually after filing an application and considering it by the bank.

On the most convenient and profitable consumer loan of the bank "Uralsib" we will discuss further.

Credit "For Your Own"

Borrow cash for various purposes in the bankAnyone can "Uralsib", but with certain conditions. So, the bank gives this opportunity to its clients within the salary project or those who have already used credit services here and have received a personal offer to use the preferential program.

The loan "For Owners" in "Uralsib" is differentadvantageous interest rate among similar offers. It will be from 13.9% per annum. Moreover, customers who receive their wages on plastic from Uralsib Bank will not need to provide a full package of documents when making a loan, and the loan amount can be raised to 1,500,000 rubles.

Uralsib loan in cash

Thus, for permanent and / or salary customers of Uralsib Bank, the loan "For its own" is advantageous as follows:

  • low interest rate;
  • simple design and minimal set of documents;
  • the opportunity to receive an amount of up to one and a half million rubles without collateral and surety.

Cash loans

For those who are not yet a customerestablishment of Uralsib, the bank offered lending programs to choose from, which would be beneficial for various purposes. He developed lending programs on different terms and for different social groups of the population.

So, the consumer credit in "Uralsib" onrather profitable conditions can be issued by employees of budgetary organizations. The interest rate in this case will be from 15% per annum, and the loan does not provide for collateral and guarantors. Consideration takes no more than a day, the amount to be issued may reach 1 million rubles.

In the bank Uralsib, a cash loan can be obtainedwithout security at a rate of 15% per annum. If all the bank's requirements to the borrower are complied with, the application can be submitted through a special convenient online service where you can determine the necessary loan amount and calculate the monthly payment without leaving home in a comfortable environment.

consumer credit

Payments for loans in cash, according to the loan agreement of Uralsib, are mandatory monthly and annuity, that is, equal, unchanged throughout the term of payments.

It is important to remember that the loan rate is not fixed and may vary depending on certain conditions. It is tailored for each client individually.

General information on loans in cash depending on the loan program looks like this:

Loan programAmount to be grantedFull term of the loanInsuranceInterest rate on loan (% per annum)
Credit "For Your" in Uralsib BankUp to 1 500 000 rublesFrom 13 to 84 monthsIf desiredFrom 13.9 to 18.2%
Loan without cashUp to 1 000 000 rublesFrom 13 to 84 monthsIf desired15-25%

Terms of credit in cash

Uralsib issues a loan in cash on variousprograms only to the employed citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 23. There is a certain package of documents that must be submitted to the bank after approval of the application when registering a loan agreement and writing an application for a loan:

  • passport of the Russian Federation;
  • a copy of all pages of the work book with a stamp certified by the employer;
  • a document confirming the level of income - this can be a certificate 2 Personal Income Tax, a special certificate on the form of the bank or an extract from the salary account;
  • copies of certificates for owning a car or any property (at the request of the bank).


Bank Uralsib has been lending for a long timeof the population. A lot of programs have been developed that satisfy the needs of citizens in matters of credit. This financial institution is a reliable partner. For bona fide and responsible clients, he offers more favorable terms and special interesting proposals for further cooperation.

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