Gift of the apartment: we arrange it correctly

A person who owns real estate,can dispose of it at its discretion - bequeath, sell or give. To donate an apartment was a real gift, you must follow the rules that are provided by Russian law.


The main thing is how to make a gift of an apartment -this is a contract. It is made in writing and must be certified by a notary. Otherwise, it is considered invalid. There are two types of contracts: consensual and real. Their main difference is when the property passes into the hands of the new owner.

gift of an apartment

So, entering into a real contract, the ownertransfers its apartment or other real property right after signing the securities. But under the consensual agreement there is a certain period, in the end of which square meters will officially become the property of the donee. How to arrange a gift for an apartment - everyone decides for himself. But in the event that the donor dies, and the term for the transfer of real estate has not yet come, the gift agreement is already losing its effect. So, the donee, if he, of course, is not at the same time an heir, real estate never gets.

According to Russian legislation, donating an apartment is voluntary and unpaid. In addition, to transfer their property in this way can only a person fully capable.

A gift contract may be declared invalid,if you specify in it the conditions for any payment, even if in a latent form. At the same time, the size of such a "reward" does not matter. In addition, it can be invalid if there are gross errors in the compilation.


The apartment is a great gift, and,that they do not pay for gifts, they will still have to give up some of their blood. After all, according to the law, the square meters transferred to the property is a kind of income that is taxed. Thus, a citizen of our country will pay 13% of the cost of an apartment to the state.

donation of an apartment to a close relative

However, this rule does not apply todonation of an apartment to a close relative. According to the Family Code, such are grandparents, parents, children, spouses, brothers and sisters. If you fall under one of these categories, then you will not have to pay anything to the state.

Return the gift?

It happens that the one who gave the apartment regretsabout it. For various reasons. For example, an apartment is registered in the ownership of children, and then they begin to evict the mother from the dwelling. From the legal point of view, it is very difficult to return what was donated. The only thing that will help to win in such a case is the reference to the Constitution. It states that a person has the right to housing, and no one can evict him from where he is officially registered.

how to apply for a gift

If this situation occurred, then the formerthe owner of real estate must bring an application to the prosecutor's office. It can issue an order to current homeowners. If those who are given square meters, now are going to sell them and expel the former owner on the street, then they go to court. By his decision, the gift of an apartment can be declared invalid.

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