Law on the privatization of residential premises. Terms, necessary documents, registration.

Not so long ago, Dmitry Medvedev signed a law onprivatization of residential premises, according to which the period for the implementation of civil rights for the privatization of housing is extended until March 1, 2013. Before the end of this period, there is less and less time, and people are still asking questions: "How much does the privatization of an apartment cost, and what documents are needed for this?". Privatization of real estate is the transfer of housing in ownership, which citizens are engaged in social employment. The law on the privatization of hostels, communal and residential apartments permits the privatization of a communal room, a separate apartment or an apartment house, only after that you can feel yourself a full-fledged master on your square meters.

To begin the privatization of residential real estate,it is necessary to secure the consent of all the family members registered in the apartment, and to issue a power of attorney from a notary to a person who will act on behalf of all future owners and draw up the necessary documents. Legal advice in this case will not hurt, because you need to determine: one or more family members will be issued a property? Arranging the privatization of an apartment for several owners means that each of them can dispose of its share at its discretion and has the right to sell or bequeath it to a stranger.

Documents should be collected by a person,who understands such cases. Assistance in the privatization of the apartment can also be provided by a real estate agency, which will undertake all the obligations to collect the necessary documents, for this it is necessary only to issue a power of attorney and to certify it from a notary. An approximate list of documents for the privatization of the apartment looks like this:

- forms № 7 and 9;

- contract of social hiring;

- a copy of the apartment order;

- technical and cadastral passport;

- a certificate stating that each of the family members did not participate in the privatization of a dwelling house or apartment;

- forms № 7 and 9 from all places of residence, since 1991.

Immediately it should be noted that the documents forThe privatization of the apartment has quite definite terms, so they need to start collecting at the same time and not be too tight with the application. Haste in such a case, too, can lead to undesirable consequences, even a trivial misprint in a document can nullify the fruits of many days of work. The law on privatization states that after the collection of documents, future owners conclude an agreement on the privatization of housing stock, and they must be present personally. Those who can not attend in person need to pre-register a power of attorney for another person.

After the conclusion of the contract, it is necessaryregister in the organs of the FRS, after that the document takes effect, and all participants in privatization become full owners of their housing. The registration of the privatization of an apartment is a necessary step to put an apartment on the register in a public agency. Despite the fact that the law on privatization before March 1, 2013 assumes free privatization of apartments, this process requires considerable financial and physical expenditure, since for the rapid processing of documents it is necessary to pay extra.

Privatization of the apartment can be made urgentlyin a five-day period, during this time it is possible to collect the necessary documents, but this is still possible only for housing agencies. Difficulty in this case can only create a redevelopment of housing, because in a few days it is impossible to compile a new technical passport for a dwelling. The cost of privatization of an apartment will be much more expensive, but this is just a payment for unspent nerves and time.

In case of violation of the contract by one or morepersons or misleading one of the residents, as a result of which he did not become the owner of housing, it is quite possible to privatize the apartment in court, which will take into account all the norms of the current legislation. The law on the privatization of the housing fund states that by observing all conditions for the privatization of an apartment, a person acquires property that can be disposed of at his own discretion. A privatized apartment can be sold, donated or left as a legacy to its descendants, who will be grateful for such a generous gift.

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