Sometimes all the ways and ruts of financial activityit is difficult to understand and analyze. There are new terms, new rules and conditions. A vivid example of this is an acceptance that absorbs several meanings at once. Today we will try to fully define its significance and direction. So what is an acceptance?
There are 3 definitions that most clearly and fully express the meaning of the word:
Stage of the contract
What is an acceptance? It is one of several stages of the transaction. Here begins a kind of branching into two systems that treat the process in different ways. In Italy, Germany and France, a contract is concluded when the offeror receives an acceptance. The second system is somewhat different. In England, Japan and the US, the agreement enters into force at the time of sending a positive response to the post of the offeror. This system is figuratively called the "mailbox system". Even if the acceptance came to the post office with a certain delay, and it was sent at the appointed time, the contract will still be concluded. In this system, such a response is not considered to be overdue, therefore, there are no problems in approving the transaction. But there are times when the offer itself reaches the acceptor with a delay. In this case, the respondent should immediately notify the sender of this, which, in turn, will send a notice of the correct and timely dispatch of the acceptance. Quite fair terms of the transaction. What is acceptance and what are its features based on Russian legislation? Its main properties are completeness and unconditional. When the answer to an offer comes in such a way that the acceptor agrees to conclude a transaction with several other conditions, then the contract is immediately considered invalid and a new one is drawn up.
Forms of acceptance
There are several forms with which you can respond to an offer:
Today we understood what acceptance is, and also studied its main directions and the conditions under which it is valid.
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