Imitation jewelry made of polymer clay. master classes

For several years jewelry made of polymer clayoccupies a leading position among other adornments of modern women of fashion. And this is natural, because "delicious", bright, juicy, unusual, funny earrings, bracelets and rings will cheer anyone up even on the most cloudy day!

If you want to get earrings, absolutelyunlike those found on the shelves of stores, besides, save enough money, you will be helped by jewelry made of polymer clay.

costume jewelery from polymer clay
Master class for making earrings with a translated drawing

For this we need:

  • formic alcohol;
  • a necessary picture printed on a laser printer;
  • a conventional blade;
  • a rolling fork;
  • colorless varnish (also suitable for normal nail polish);
  • needle or pin;
  • accessories for earrings;
  • light polymer clay.

Bijouterie is done in several stages.

Stage One

The necessary quantity of polymer clay is rolled out with a rolling pin to the thickness that should be the earring in the end.

Stage Two

Take the printed image and apply it face to the plastic.

Stage Three

Using cotton wool or cotton wool sponge we put ona picture of ants alcohol and soak it. For a while, we leave the picture in order for the alcohol to soak up, then do several more times until the image is finally transferred to clay. This action will take you at least thirty minutes.

polymer clay jewelry

Stage Four

Paper very carefully and carefully rolls cotton wool.

Stage Five

With the help of a sharp blade, we give the earrings the desired shape. They can be triangular, round, square, in the form of asterisks, and so on.

Stage Six

Needle or pin pierced holes in the earrings, in which we insert needles or pins, so that they do not drag out when heated.

Segment seven

Burn them in the oven for about thirtyminutes at a temperature of 130 degrees. However, each bijouterie of polymer clay is fired at a certain temperature and a certain time, so it is desirable to read the conditions of the burning on the package.

Stage eight

We take the earrings from the oven and let them cool. In the holes we pass the accessories and cover the jewelry with varnish. Earrings can be worn today!

costume jewelery from polymer clay master class

Also very popular now is jewelry made of polymer clay in the form of asterisks. They can be used both for making earrings, and for bracelets, and as a pendant around the neck.

Take a bright clay - red, blue, green,purple or yellow flowers. We pluck off a small piece from it and roll it up to a thickness of 3-5 millimeters. At the same time on the cardboard we draw a stencil of the future star and cut it with small scissors.

Then you should put the stencil on the rolled polymer clay, circle it with a simple pencil and cut it out with the help of a clerical knife in the form of a cardboard.

We pluck from the general piece of polymer clay yettwo small pieces. Of these we will make decorative jewelry for earrings. For this, we roll pieces into two identical barrels. On them along the perimeter along or across the needle or toothpick we put several rows of dots.

We make holes in the blanks and insert needles or pins into them. We burn in the oven, then let it cool down.

We paint our stars with acrylic paint. With the help of accessories we fasten all parts of earrings and cover them with varnish. Imitation jewelry made of polymer clay is ready to be worn!

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