Wooden tray: a way of decorating in the technique of "decoupage"

Wooden tray, decorated in techniquedecoupage, extremely convenient and certainly useful to all who love to drink tea or coffee behind the monitor. Especially valuable is the practical benefit that this subject brings in because not all objects of needlework can boast such an advantage.

wooden tray

What do you need to work?

Depending on the desire of the craftsman and the materials that are available at her disposal, the wooden tray can be decorated with a printout, a decoupage card, rice paper or a napkin.

wooden trays photo

Materials and tools:

  • The product itself (tray).
  • Acrylic paints (white, gray, brown).
  • Candle.
  • Water, brushes, glue for decoupage.
  • Putty and spatula (palette knife, stack for plasticine).
  • Sandpaper (No. 320 for processing the wooden surface and finer to sand the varnish).
  • Usual acrylic lacquer.
  • Craquelure for the formation of decorative cracks.

Beginning of work: preparatory phase

First of all it is necessary to study the woodentray and identify all cracks, chips and other defects. If they are, they must be filled with putty. To do this, use a pre-prepared flat object. In order to slightly reduce the further cleaning, you need to carefully remove all excess shpatlevku from the surface.

At the next stage, the wooden tray must bevery well treated with sandpaper. Particular attention should be paid to those areas on which the fibers do not lie, but spumble. If they are left in this form, they will be a great hindrance in further work.

Priming and background formation of the product

Next, you need to impregnate the wood with a primer coat of paint or a solution of varnish and water.

decoupage of a wooden tray master class

This will save the color paint, since the fibers will not absorb it intensively. After that, we put a layer of gray paint. This color will be viewed through a light background.

To artificially age the tray, you needwipe with a paraffin candle those places where later the scuffs should be formed. The paint will not fall on the paraffin, which will give the product a look of scratched.

wooden tray

Then you need a broad brush rather carelesslyapply white paint on the bottom and sides of the tray. To make the brush strokes rough and distinct, the brush should be dry. In those places where the background should be thick and even, it is applied with a foam sponge.

wooden trays photo

The finished background should be well sanded. To make the napkin slip better, you can apply a coat of varnish. Decorate the decor after complete drying of the workpiece.

decoupage of a wooden tray master class

Fixing decoupage napkins

There are different methods of gluingnapkins. In many ways the technique depends on the strength and quality of this element. If there is a suspicion that the napkin will get wet in the water, it can be treated with ordinary hair spray.

  • Then you need to prepare a mixture of water with glue (1: 1), put the napkin on the file face down and pour the solution. With a wide, stiff brush, straighten all wrinkles and air bubbles.
  • Next, you need to quickly overlay the file along with the drawing on the decorated area of ​​the product. Through plastic, leveling folds is very easy. Thus it is possible not to be afraid to damage or tear a napkin.
  • When everything is expanded, the file is removed and, if necessary, completes the alignment. Sometimes you can not do without folds. Do not worry, because they can be removed after.


The dried out picture needs to be covered with several layers of varnish, and then clean the folds. If the lacerated edges of the napkin look ugly, they should be tinted and shaded with foam rubber.

The application of a diluted brown paint over the pattern will help to make "old" wooden trays (photos illustrate this process).

wooden tray

Get a decorative crack will help two-component craquelure lacquer. First you should apply one layer, and after drying it - the second. The depth of the cracks depends on the thickness of the applied layers.

Drying such a varnish for a long time - a whole day. It is extremely important to sustain this period completely. Cracks can be tinted with a dark oil paint (brown or gray), applied to the fabric and well rubbed on the surface.

After all has dried out, it is necessary to cover the whole surface of the tray with several layers of varnish.

As a decorative effect, the handle can be wrapped in twine, this method completes the decoupage of the wooden tray.

wooden trays photo

The master class describes the general direction of the work, but the masters can choose another way of decorating, apply a piece of napkin, or draw an item on their own.

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