How to weave the Baubles with your own hands

In our time the bauble became original andstylish decoration, extremely popular especially among young people. However, despite all its external simplicity, the baubles have their own long history, from ancient Indian times to the era of hippies. Now this small decoration, made by own hands, adds positive emotions to people, regardless of their gender, age and social belonging. Baubles do not buy, they are accepted to give to their friends and acquaintances. Therefore, many now are interested in the question: how to weave baubles?

For such a simple decoration, there are manyTechnician of weaving, as well as a large number of materials from which they can be weaved. The most popular are beautiful and bright baubles of thread. The traditional and modern purpose of a bouquet as a memorable gift encourages many to learn how to make baubles. According to the tradition, it is believed that this gift brings his new owner happiness and luck. In addition, he always reminds of the person who gave it to him. Of course, the most symbolic and valuable such a gift will be if it is done by oneself.

It's not at all difficult to learn how to weave braces anddo it yourself. Weaving the baubles does not require much effort and time, you just need a little imagination, colorful threads and scissors. The best thing is to learn how to make a bracelet from eight threads. To calculate the length of the thread, you need to take into account that their length should be four times the finished bracelet. The approximate length of the thread is about a meter or slightly longer.

The beginning of the bracelet, so that it does not twist,be sure to secure with a pin, the pin itself can be attached to the sofa or directly to your clothes. The pin is pre-tied with threads, leaving such a length of ends, so that later they can make an outset. Then the threads must be arranged in the order in which the colors in the finished product will alternate. This is the whole simple preparation procedure before making a fake. Then we begin the process of manufacturing.

It is necessary to fasten the rightmost thread withthe neighboring string on the left has two nodules, while the threads change their places. Then, with the same thread, a knot is tied on the next string to the left, so it continues to the very last thread. Thus, the first row is formed in the form of a diagonal strip of nodes of the same color. Continue to weave again with the right thread of a different color and do the same procedure with knots tying. Weaving should be continued until the required length of the bracelet is obtained. On the edges of the bracelet from both sides tied trimmed pigtails, a bouquet is ready and it can be removed from a pin.

Such an option in order to learn how tobraid baubles, is the easiest. But it gives many opportunities to diversify the patterns. It is only necessary to start the weave in the opposite direction and the pattern will be quite different. You can make up the middle of the weave from right to left, and after weaving already from left to right, the pattern will turn out even more beautiful. With such a weave, the threads in the center of the baubles can be tied with a knot and a pattern resembling arrows is obtained. A large number of people perfectly know how to weave braces and patterns, obtained by weaving these wonderful bracelets, there is a lot. Everything depends on imagination and, of course, patience and perseverance. Now the Internet comes to the aid of the weave lovers. In its boundless expanses it is not difficult to find a large number of schemes and ideas. You can bring your skills to perfection. Such a gift, made by yourself, is much more pleasant to receive than purchased in the store. When a person makes a gift with his own hands, he puts a piece of his soul into it.

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