Bracelets made of beads. Master class and some information

Even in the Paleolithic era, women and men woreon his body a variety of jewelry: bracelets of beads and various beads, headbands from feathers and much more - each of these accessories had its own special meaning and wore a ritual shade. The times have passed, and the fashion for adding various cute attributes to your wardrobe has remained.

This master class will acquaint readers with the fact,how to make a bracelet of beads. To do this, you will need pieces of hard metal wire, lock, round nose pliers, clippers and clamps. And directly beads themselves. In this lesson we used high-quality glass parts, the production of which India is so famous for.

bracelets from beads

At the first stage, hinges for beads are created. To do this, in each glass part you need to pass a piece of wire and bend the round ends of the tips. In the master class, the edge of the steel thread already contains an oval - it remains to create a similar on the second base.

how to make a bracelet of beads

Bracelets made of beads, the length of which is setwith the help of links - an ideal thing for any girl, because exactly the presence of exclude elements allows you to adjust the coverage of the accessory on the wrist. By preparing the optimum number of glass parts with loops, you can proceed to the next step.

beads for shamballa bracelets

The second item is the creation of connectingelements. To do this, with the help of clamps, it is necessary to straighten a piece of wire, and then round off with round-nosed pliers from two bases. At the same time, if on one side the loop is pinched down, then on the other hand it goes up.

bracelets from beads

Bracelets made of beads of this kind are made in a very short space of time, but, having picked up the necessary elements for the taste and color, you can raise your mood for a long time.

Now you can proceed directly toConnection of all components of the accessory. Bracelets made of beads can be single- and multi-layered. In this master class, the option of the last method is shown. In this case, the joining of all the parts takes place taking into account only the triple coverage of the wrist. Attaching one after the other beads to a metal element is the process of creating an accessory.

beads for shamballa bracelets

In order to attach the lock, it is necessary to pass a piece of wire with a folded edge into each part of it. Then, using kruglogubtsev attach to the bracelet.

bracelets from beads

Then, in the chaotic order, additional beads are attached to the metal links. The bracelet is ready.

bracelets from beads

beads for shamballa bracelets

Huge popularity in our time have braceletsfrom natural materials: wood, glass and stones. It is believed that the purer and closer to nature the original properties of the substance, the higher its useful properties. That's why the real beads for Shambhala bracelets are stone, glass or wooden. At least in Ladakh, in Tibet and in various Buddhist temples, for the most part, such accessories are common.

It should be noted that in Hinduism a huge roleplays a tree. It is to this material that the inhabitants of a spicy country give their preference in the manufacture of various elements of the ritual. In this case, both Shambhala bracelets, and Hindu decorations are filled with energy and strength, so they should be selected according to the rules.

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