Ikebana with my own hands. How to create a traditional Japanese flower arrangement

Making bouquets in Japan - a special kindart, which contains a deep philosophical and symbolic meaning. Each composition of flowers is a symbol of the universe and the universe. Ikebana, created by my own hands - is a sculpture in which flowers and plants are means of expression, creating a spatial artistic image. The main thing in it is form, line, color and dynamics. In Japanese, "ikea" means life, and "bana" means a flower. At the heart of the classical composition is necessarily the non-isosceles triangle, the sharp top of which is directed upwards and denotes the sky, and the other two angles are the man and the earth.

New schools of ikebana, which appeared in Japan inbeginning of the twentieth century, break traditions and create bold free compositions, using for this purpose the most unexpected materials, however the three main lines of the conditional triangle - the sky, man and earth - are preserved.

Ikebana with my own hands.
At present, when composing the composition"Ikebana" use two main variants with their own hands: vertical - nageire, when plants are fixed in a high vase with the help of hidden bamboo sticks, and horizontal - moribana, where flowers and twigs are placed in a low vase, nailing them on kenzana - special needle device .

Japanese ikebana does not use a lot of flowers, because it is designed to emphasize the beauty of one plant, fully reveal its shape and color.

Ikebana from flowers with own hands.

Create a flower arrangement of "ikebana" with yourhands can be, but one should not be like a Japanese master and try to convey the profound philosophical meaning that he puts into it. After all, the Japanese learn this art for years, contemplating the world and comprehending the skill. A certain slope of each twig and flower, their color and shape - all has a concrete meaning. We also need to know that the green color in ikebana means spring, red is summer, and white is autumn. Equally "talking" are different combinations of plants. Thus, pine branches in combination with a rose or a pion symbolize eternal youth, a blooming apricot or cherry - female beauty and grace, iris and bamboo shoots - male plants, signifying strength and courage. Most often in ikebana use orchid, chrysanthemum, bamboo, pine and wild plum. The Japanese consider them to be the most noble plants.

Making up the composition of "ikebana" from flowersBy hands, we can use more habitual for us plants - coniferous and deciduous. The main thing is that the following basic rules should be observed. In the composition, where three different plants are involved, when fastening them in a vase, they adhere to the principle of a hidden triangle, the vertex of which is directed strictly upwards. If there are more colors, then this principle can be neglected, the main thing is that each of the plants be apart and be distinguished by its perfect shape and color. To fasten the vertical composition in a high vase, use coils of fine wire or small pebbles, which are poured in a thick layer. In a transparent glass, several colored sand layers or decorative pebbles become an additional decoration. The horizontal composition of "ikebana" with their own hands is fixed with the help of a floral sponge. You can independently make kenzana by stuffing nails on a wooden stand, only it will have to be fixed in a vase with the help of a load (for example, small stones) to give the bouquet stability. To create the Japanese composition "Ikebana" with your own hands (photo below), they select large, unusual flowers, and combine them in contrast: white with bright pink, red and green. It is also permissible to create compositions using artificial flowers, fixing them on a beautiful figured branch or driftwood.

Ikebana with my own hands. A photo.
The art of ikebana in Japan is considered a nationala symbol, an original skill that only those who can fully comprehend the soul of the people and become imbued with its unique vision of the world are able to fully master it. We can only touch this art.

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