It happens that we enter your profile"VKontakte", we consider once filled in pictures, and they do not like us anymore. Here we are asking ourselves - and, in fact, how to delete the album "VKontakte"? The reasons for such a rush can be very different: banal blues, untimely criticism of our appearance, and maybe, just over time, the visual tastes changed.
Old photo albums, wedding pictures are no longer pleasing us? Several years passed, and on those
Full photo deleting
First of all, it should be noted that ifyou once posted your photos in public access, and they were copied by a third person, then you can hardly remove such pictures from the web. However, if you see someone in your profile have unwanted photos, you can try to write to the technical support site. If you can prove that you are in the images, they are likely to be deleted. Why not try?
How to delete an album "VKontakte"
First of all, pay attention to the menu on the left. There you will see the section "My photos". It contains all your albums. By the way, you can open albums by simply clicking on the icons of photos that are
How to delete the album "VKontakte" from the wall
It also happens that unwanted photosare kept on your wall. And the problem is that they, as well as your pictures from the album "Saved photos" in the same way can not be deleted. The fact is that these are technical folders, which in principle
How to delete an album "VKontakte" from the group
When you create your own community andadd the first pictures in the photo-section in it, the main album of the group is automatically created. Remember that it will not be possible to delete it later, just like the saved photos on your page. It will also have to take pictures one at a time. As for all the other folders with photos, they are removed in the group in the same way as you did in your own albums.
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