What is the status of loneliness with meaning you can put on your page?

In social networks, it became fashionable to think andfeelings express through special statements on their page, which are called statuses. They most often transmit some promises to certain people (and maybe all friends at once) to attract attention. The status of loneliness with meaning will help to show how acute a person now needs communication or a new relationship.

loneliness status with meaning

Sad quotes for single

This is one of the most common ways to convey your sad mood. Sad statuses about loneliness with meaning can sound like this:

  • Often people remain lonely because they build walls around themselves instead of bridges to others.
  • Where there is no room for sincerity, there is always loneliness.
  • It's not at all difficult to get used to solitude, but if someone breaks it for at least one day, you have to get along with it again.

Of course, not everyone will understand that it is the authorI wanted to say such quotes on my page in the social network, and some simply indifferently flipped the tape further, but the closest and most loved ones will definitely pay attention.

sad statuses about loneliness with meaning

Statuses that make you want to cry

With their help you can transfer your very-veryhidden emotions, so that those to whom the words are addressed, must have understood everything. Some statuses about loneliness and sadness with meaning can even cause an attack of uncontrolled tearing. For example, these are:

  • I do not like, I do not like. Why then such a life, because loneliness has always ruined people, it's better not to leave ...
  • Hope always dies last, so she remains alone.
  • One is not so scary. It's more awful to realize that the one you expect will never come to you.
  • In the emptiness of people around me, I'm lost in my thoughts.
  • To come to your lonely and empty house is always sad, especially if you just recently were greeted there joyously and waited.

The status of loneliness with meaning is capable ofTo show how unbearable was his freedom from everything and from all. This should be treated carefully, leafing through the news feed in the social network.

statuses about loneliness and sadness with meaning

Humor is our all

The status of loneliness with meaning is not necessaryshould be sad. If it refers to this with a sense of humor, you can not only show that there is no one around, but also your attitude towards it. Like that:

  • Real loneliness is when there is no one to take from the morgue or crematorium, everything else is nonsense.
  • Really lonely - the one who wants to respond to spam in e-mail. Just talk.
  • Lonely - this is when you know exactly who has developed a mess in the house and who needs to clean this mess. Or not.
  • You really feel lonely when, from the idea that the bedside monster you still have, you become warmer in your soul. And you're even ready to drink tea with him in the middle of the night.

In general, the humorous status of loneliness withmeaning helps to tune yourself to a more positive mood. Moreover, the absence of someone nearby at the moment is a real freedom for some, where you do not have to pretend and you can be yourself.

More examples of different statuses

Some people spread quotes from varioussongs on a page in a social network to show those around you on your mood and state. And others come up with their own statuses. For example, you can use these phrases:

  • And it does not matter where your phone is, whether the sound is switched on ... After all, no one calls it anyway.
  • A beautiful woman is never alone, but for some reason she is almost always in her soul endlessly lonely and sad.
  • When no one writes or calls, only a strong spirit sees an advantage in this, only he enjoys freedom and silence.

There are many other options, fantasize and be original, even if you are very lonely!

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