How to turn off the tape in "Classmates"

The tape in "Odnoklassniki" displays news,updates, as well as all the actions of your friends. It is on the page of each user. And all your actions are displayed in the stream on the friends page. The site stipulates that every registered person should be aware of all the events and updates of the groups to which he entered. Here you will see videos for which you voted, statuses that have been updated, recently uploaded photos, as well as those photos under which the "class" was put.

how to disconnect a tape in classmates
Sometimes in the activity stream, actions are displayedfriends that many people may not like. They also do not want others to know about their events. It happens that he voted by chance under a photo or video, and friends will see it, which is not always desirable for the user. Therefore, today, for many, the question of how to disconnect the tape in Odnoklassniki becomes urgent.

In case the speed of Internet connectiontoo small, video, photos on the page will load very long. The user will not be able to view the news in the stream, as well as what he would like to see or read. This is not entirely convenient. Unnecessary information hinders and clogs the page. Most often in the tape shows unnecessary advertising, offers to buy some thing or offers to make money on the Internet.

turn off the tape in classmates
Therefore, many people want to disable this option in "Classmates".

To disable your activity tape, which isdisplayed at your friends, you need to know some principles. How to turn off the tape in "Classmates", you can find out directly on the site. It is enough to go to your page, go to the settings, select the option to change the settings. In the window that opens, you need to confirm that you are really disconnecting the tape in "Classmates". Then the window will display information about the cost of the trip and the order of payment. Yes, while this service is paid. If the money on the account is not enough, you will need to replenish the account: to buy "Oka" - the currency of "Classmates". After the payment has been made, the tape will no longer be displayed.

You can remove unwanted updates from an individual friend who does not quite upload

band in classmates
interesting news or obscene pictures. To do this, select the information about this person displayed in the ribbon, in the upper right corner click on the cross and confirm that you do not want to receive updates from a friend. Now news from this person will be inaccessible to you.

Updates from some applications that are ofteninvite to play, also cause inconvenience to users, while disabling the tape in "Classmates" is quite simple, just clicking on the cross. Other news will remain available for viewing. This service is free of charge. In order to return the disconnected tape, you must go back to the settings and resume the activity tape.

There is another way to disable the tape in"Classmates." You need to go through the disconnect link, then in the window that appears on the page, enter the requested information, and then confirm the request for disconnection and pay for the service. Now the tape in "Classmates" is disabled.

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