Concert Hall "Dzintari" - detailed description

The theme of this material is "Dzintari", a concertHall. The poster of this institution over the years pleases visitors with modern repertoire. This is a complex that is located in Latvia. It is widely known, both in Jurmala and abroad. On this site there are all sorts of concerts and festivals.

Jurmala: concert hall "Dzintari" - history

concert hall of dzintari
The first concerts were held here in the seventiesyears of the twentieth century. Site history began in the distant 1897. Then the stage was erected, it was called "Concert Garden of the Kurhaus Edinburgh". Initially, the repertoire consisted mainly of light dance music, operetta, variety shows and church numbers. In 1910 the politics of concert activity changed dramatically. Then a symphony orchestra was invited from Berlin, which included 70 musicians. It was led by Franz von Blon. Also invited are the most famous artists in the Russian Empire. Since 1911, the Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra created specially for this purpose has been playing on the stage. Guidedo Samson-Himmelstern is leading it. The orchestras of the Warsaw Philharmonic, as well as the Imperial Mariinsky Theater, perform. Concerts of specially invited stars are held. In 1914 the concert life was interrupted due to the beginning of the war. Concert activity is resumed in 1920. The organization of concerts is taken by Albert Berzins. He attracted the orchestra of the National Opera of Latvia. Quite quickly, the scene of "Dzintari" again turns into a popular concert venue. Performances of eminent artists take place. Orchestras play under the guidance of famous conductors. Among them: Nikolay Malko, Grzegorz Phitelberg, Richard Hagel. Since 1931, Arvids Parouss - the conductor of the Symphony Orchestra has been taking part in the radio broadcast and organization of concerts. Season of 1935 largely due to weather conditions ended with financial losses.


dzintari concert hall poster
The Concert Hall "Dzintari" is open, ithas a roof, but in the auditorium there are no walls. Holds more than two thousand people. The complex was built in 1962. The author of the project was the architect Modris Gelsis. Before the beginning of the 2006 season the concert hall "Dzintari" was reconstructed. The interior of the stage has changed, modern acoustic systems have appeared. For the viewers from this moment, soft benches are provided. The hall is also equipped with infrared heaters. The scene has five levels. It is suitable for jazz, choral and symphony concerts. The closed small hall is a wooden building, which consists of three parts. In the interior, as well as on the facades there are motifs of Romanticism. Interior spaces are illuminated thanks to round windows. On the walls in the hall hang three works of Ansis Cirulis, master of applied art. This hall was built in 1936. The authors of the project were architects Alexander Birznieks and Victor Mellenbergs. The building is recognized as a monument of architecture. It holds more than five hundred spectators.

Jurmala: concert hall "Dzintari" - poster

Jurmala Concert Hall Dzintari
Of course, the list of events can not bewithout the festival "Voice of KiViN". This concert of KVN teams was held annually in late July - early August. The exception was only the first "Vocal KiViN", which was held in Moscow in 1995. The second and all subsequent festivals regularly appeared in the poster of the "Dzintari" hall. As a rule, this event includes three days: the first - dress rehearsal, the second - television shooting, the third - a gala concert. Also in the repertoire, and hence on the playbill, you can find a musical contest called "New Wave". The event was held annually in the Great Hall. Also the poster of the concert platform was decorated with information about the festival of humor "Jurmala". The Concert Hall "Dzintari" hosted this event every year. The festival program consisted of performances by Russian artists who work in a humorous genre. The playbill of the hall has changed dramatically after 2014. Due to the political situation, Russian festivals have been moved from Latvia, and now they are taking place on other venues.


Jurmala concert hall dzintari poster

Small Concert Hall "Dzintari" wasreconstructed in 2012. The plans are to expand the capacity to 600 spectators. Warming of the building makes it possible to organize concerts in the cold season. Expenses for the renovation of the hall were estimated at two million lats. As sources of financing, it is planned to use the funds of private investors and EU funds.

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