How to find a book in the library: recommendations for saving time

Despite the fact that many are looking for the necessaryinformation on the Internet, libraries do not lose relevance. It is on the bookshelves that you can find rare sources, authentic works and monographs, encyclopedias and dictionaries. And as a list of used literature, a rare teacher or teacher will accept only links to Internet resources. We offer several secrets to help you figure out how to find the right book in the library.

how to find a book in the library

Basic moments

Most of the books in the reading room are locatedby themes or genres, and inside the collection - placed in alphabetical order by the author's surname. Therefore, if, for example, it is necessary to find the work of Fabra "Insects' Morals", then it should be as follows:

  1. Find where on the shelves the "Biology" section is located. In large institutions of culture, the subsection "Entomology" can be singled out separately.
  2. Among the books in the already found section, find the letter "F". Fabr's works will be in the beginning, since the second letter of the surname A.

This simple algorithm will help to solve the problem: how to find the book in the library.

how to find the right book in the library

The modern way

Many institutions are equipped with electroniccatalogs, which greatly simplifies the task. Consider the option of how to find a book in the library with the help of modern information technology. The main methods are presented in the table.

E-Search Options



By the name of the book

In the electronic search box, you should startenter the name of the work, the system will provide a list of suitable books. It is enough to find one that interests, and look at the code number, where it is located.

By author

It is necessary to enter the surname of the writer, less often - the surname anda name (for example, if it is a question of Tolstoy, in Russian literature several authors carried this name). Having found in the list of works necessary, you can write out the cipher and go to the shelves.

By keywords

The most convenient way of selecting literature for writing essays, term papers or a report. It will help to find all sources in which the phenomenon of interest is mentioned.

When you know where the work is, you needgo to the shelf, shelf and find it. At the stage of working with the electronic catalog, you can find out if this or that book is in the hands of another reader.

How can I find a book in the library?

Work with the card index

If electronic catalogs are available only in largeand solid establishments, then a file cabinet in boxes comes to the aid of readers even in the smallest and children's reading rooms. And often the staff themselves offer visitors to find the necessary literature and provide its code. We will analyze how you can find a book in the library with the help of a card index. There are two ways to search:

  • alphabetically;
  • on the subject.

Choosing the most convenient, it is necessary to takesuitable box. Inside the cards are arranged in alphabetical order, according to the first letter of the author's surname. Finding a writer, you should proceed further - among his works to identify the right work. Further, the cipher is written out and sent to the librarian for issuing the publication. Or, independently, search on shelves and shelves.

how to find a book in the library

A few tips

We offer some more tips to help you figure out how to find a book in the library and save a lot of time:

  • if you need a specific work, there is nothing better than searching alphabetically;
  • to select literature on a particular topic, you should use the thematic catalog;
  • it is necessary to write down the code and the cipher of the found product, the next visit it will save time.
  • some major cultural institutions have official sites, where catalogs are presented (you can find the book you need at home, and then come to the library with the ciphers already prepared).

The above recommendations will be useful to anyone who has faced the problem of how to find a book in the library, will help to enjoy the work with print publications.

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