Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich: Biography

Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich - the famous Russianjournalist and writer. Currently, a special correspondent for the newspaper "Izvestia". The largest number of materials released, working in the magazine "Russian reporter." In this edition, for 7 years, Dmitry served as deputy editor-in-chief.

Biography of a journalist


Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich was born in 1975 in Gatchina, near Leningrad. However, in his early childhood he moved with his parents to the Moscow region. His adolescent years passed in the town of Elektrostal.

After school I entered the Moscow State Universityuniversity at the Faculty of Journalism. In those same years Dmitry began literary creation. At first it was only poetry. The first collection entitled Envelope was released in 1997, when Dmitry was 22 years old. Soon he stopped writing poetry, despite the fact that many of his poems were highly appreciated by readers and experts.

Work as a journalist

Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich

Fame in journalistic circles DmitrySokolov-Mitrich received, thanks to his work in the magazine "Russian Reporter." This publication, which is part of the media holding "Expert", appeared on newspaper shelves in 2007. In less than a year, a young 33-year-old Dmitry settled in. In a short time he became one of the most famous representatives of the publication. In this format, Dmitri Sokolov-Mitrich came at an opportune time.

"Russian reporter" immediately began to stand out greatnumber of analytical materials, journalistic investigations, candid reports. In this edition many well-known modern journalists have earned their name: Marina Akhmedova, Grigory Tarasevich, Yuri Kozyrev.

"Who" resurrects "our dead?"

Sokolov-Mitrich did not limit himself tojournalistic work. He began writing his own books, mostly documentaries. His first investigation was written together with Henry Ehrlich. The book "Anti-Robber.Who" resurrects "our dead?" was released in 2006.

writers and poets

It was dedicated to the creator of a new religiouscult, who declared himself the second coming of Jesus Christ - Grigory Grabovoi. He acquired popularity in the 2000s, mainly after the terrorist attack in the Beslan school, which killed more than 300 people and injured more than 700 people. For a lot of money, he offered relatives of the dead to resurrect their relatives.

In 2006, with respect to Grabovoi wasinitiated criminal prosecution. He was accused of committing fraud by a group of persons on preliminary conspiracy. Investigators managed to prove 9 episodes in which the victims suffered significant material damage. Tagansky court in Moscow sentenced him to 11 years in prison. Then the sentence was reduced to eight years. Grabovoi was released on parole in 2010.

A book written by Sokolov-Mitrich is devoted to the description of his false teaching and to all the vicissitudes that accompanied the Grabovoi affair.

In the genre of journalistic investigation

Sokolov-Mitrich books

In 2007, another work by the author,Also written in the genre of journalistic investigation. The book "Netajik girls: Nechechenskie boys" is published in the publishing house "Yauza". Writers and poets highly appreciated this work of a special correspondent of Izvestia. The author himself positioned his work primarily as an anti-fascist.

It describes a chronicle of crimes thatrepresentatives of ethnic minorities committed against the Russians - an ethnic majority in our country. The peculiarity of the book is that the author practically does not pay attention to the arguments of journalism, giving the floor to naked facts. In his opinion, the reader himself must draw appropriate conclusions. The work of Sokolov-Mitrich received a number of awards, including the award of Nikolai Strakhov.

At the same time, some human rights defenders accusedSokolov-Mitrich in that he exploits the language of hostility, creating a deliberately negative image among members of national minorities. This position, in particular, was expressed by the well-known researcher of the history of Nazism and xenophobia Galina Kozhevnikova. Many writers and poets supported her.

Sokolov-Mitrich, in turn, argued that insociety, a practice has developed when a crime committed by a Russian against a non-nationality representative is considered xenophobic, and in the opposite case often goes unnoticed.

"Yandex Book"

Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich, whose books hadpopularity among readers, became famous not only for investigative journalism. In 2014 he published a novel in the genre of documentary prose "Yandex." This is a detailed and true story about the creation of the company "Yandex" and its leaders from the very beginning of the 70s of the XX century to our days.

Dmitriy Sokolov Mitrich Biography

In the center of the narrative is a description of the emergence of the largest Russian company operating in the Internet space, as well as the fate of its creators.

Detailed description of the acquaintance of Arkady Volozh andIlya Segalovich, which was held in the school years. In 20 years they will create the largest company in the domestic IT market. After a short time they managed to create the largest search engine in the Russian Internet segment.

In addition to the success story of the creators of "Yandex", inthe book presents interviews with the most important domestic Internet businessmen. And in the final chapters, which included an interview with one of the creators of "Yandex" Arkady Volozh, attention is paid to the increasing pressure of the state machine on the Internet space.

Where is the journalist now?

Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich, whose biography wasis closely connected with journalism, and today continues to work in several well-known publications. The journalist regularly leads the author's columns in Izvestia, collaborates with RIA Novosti, the portals, and the magazine Foma.

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