Vilmont Ekaterina: a list of books in order. Modern romance novels, children's detectives Catherine Vilmont

Writer Catherine Vilmont for todayday is one of the most widely read authors among the female population. Her profile of activity - love stories, but the creative potential of the writer is much broader. She composes children's detectives, is engaged in artistic translations.

chicken in flight


Ekaterina was born in Moscow in 1946, afteryear after the end of the war. She was lucky to be born into an intelligent family. Father Nikolai Nikolaevich was a popular interpreter, a specialist in German culture. Mother, Natalia Semenovna, worked on a similar specialization (among her works - translations of T. Mann, F. Schiller).

Naturally, because of the specifics of the professions of parentsCatherine lived in a creative atmosphere, the house was frequented by guests, including Boris Pasternak, with whom Nikolai Nikolayevich was friends, Faina Ranevskaya, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote his Nobel speech at the Vilmont dacha.

Wilmont Catherine did not think long. The list of books in order dictates what the interpreter decided to do. Her friend once asked why she does not try to write something of her own. And Catherine decided. The copies of her books prove that this choice was made not in vain. From an early age Catherine spoke, wrote and read in German. Therefore, she did not have a question about the career path. She went to her parents' footsteps, translated a lot of German fiction. But in the 1990s the profession stopped making a profit.

First book

The first written work was the novel "The Travel of an Optimist, or All the Women's Fools." It was released in 1995.

All the heroines of Catherine Vilmont's books are fictitious, but only the first, according to the author himself, has autobiographical features. Even the name of a loved one is not changed there - his name is Marat.

chicken in flight

Catherine's personal life did not work out. She has neither husband nor children. But this did not affect the optimistic nature of the writer, she takes her life as it is. Actually, he advises his readers the same. Knowingly her books are called the best medicine for blues and depression.

Catherine's books can be easily recognized by theirbiting names. For example, the second novel bears the name "Strip of luck, or All the Guys of Goats". The second part of the title is very relevant for the author, because in her life there were only such men. All of Catherine's love affairs were associated with married men. This fact she did not hide and repeatedly mentioned in the interview that she did not want to take anyone away from the family, and she did not.

Recent work

Fans of the author's work always close the book with regret, as Vilmont's syllable is so easy and pleasant that she wants to read and re-read her works.

Most recently, the writer releasedsuch novels as "Fig us, beautiful ladies," "With all the fool!" Even the names show how positive Vilmont's creative world is. The content of her books certainly confirms this.

The heroine of the first novel Ariadne is clever,attractive and successful in everything that is valued in our modern world. And she does not seem to doubt that her life is a full cup, especially since each of her entourage considers it her duty to tell her about it. But everything changes dramatically when a girl meets her true love.

The heroine of the second work is not all so radiant. Lada experienced very recently a great tragedy and a bitter disappointment. But despite life's vicissitudes, she, like all women, dreams of love and simple happiness.

The best novels

Among the best works of the writer, one can single out her first novel, since he opened the literary world to a mischievous but at the same time lyrical personality.

The public is most interested in the book"Hen in flight" about the girlfriend Ella, who loves cooking. In her life there were men, but she never met the one whom she would like to cherish and cherish. Her whole life is a search for her own happiness.

whether figs we are beautiful ladies

The character of the book "The Hormone of Happiness and Otherstupidity, "on the contrary, there is everything: favorite work, beauty and even the groom, but she can not feel happy to the full." This causes the reader to be perplexed, but in the course of the unfolding events everything falls into place. changing her life, the heroine finally finds happiness.

Many lovers of Vilmont adore her books, wherethe main character is a man. For example, in the novel "The Intelligent and Two Rites" it is a question of Professor Tveritinov, who is entangled in the intricacies of his life and is trying to find an entrance.

The screen version of novels

The third book Vilmont "Three half-Graces" was filmed. One of the main roles was performed by Alena Khmelnitskaya and Bogdan Stupka.

By the way, Vilmont Ekaterina (list of books onsee the procedure below) is often dissatisfied with the work of filmmakers. Already a lot of edits to the original idea they make, too many inconsistencies and nonsense they get. Her tenth book, "Hen in Flight", according to the author, was transferred to the screen simply ugly. The director even changed the ending, which destroyed the whole ideological series of the work. The film was released under the title "Happiness on a prescription," which also the writer did not like.

an intellectual and two rits

Also based on the books of Vilmont was shot the series "Love is blind" with Ekaterina Semenova in the title role, and the series "I Love You", in which Maria Shukshina, Yaroslav Boyko and Alexander Abdulov played.


Vilmont Ekaterina (the list of books in this article is presented in this article) has already released more than a dozen children's detectives. There are three series:

  • "Dasha and Kabout".
  • "Detective Bureau" Quartet ".
  • "Once a snail, two snails."
    hormone of happiness and other nonsense

In each series there are several books. They draw attention to the sharpness of the plot, all the heroes of the writer are rather resourceful and savvy. Many people in her books are attracted by a wide geography. For example, the actions of some detectives occur in the territory of Israel, Italy and Germany. Despite the entertaining nature of the works, for most children they can become instructive, as the author skillfully interweaves in the story lines household and historical details.

Judging by the readers' feedback, the books find a response intheir souls. Therefore, it is not for nothing that more than ten years ago Vilmont Catherine chose the writers' career for herself. The list of books in order proves it, because it is huge.

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