Sergey Orekhov - biography and creativity

Sergei Orekhov - seven-string guitarist. Born October 23, 1935 in Moscow in a large family. His father was a mechanic by profession, his mother a cook, and his grandfather worked at a factory where they made beer. Sergei had two brothers and one sister (our hero is the elder).


Sergey nuts
Sergei Orekhov began to learn to play the guitar in 15years on the self-instruction manual. His friend in the same way mastered the accordion. The future guitarist decided to find a good tutor. Later he studied at Vladimir Kuznetsov's Mitrofanovich. It's about the guitarist, who is also known for writing a book about playing stringed instruments, was (as it were called nowadays) a coach for many musicians from Moscow.

Sergei Orekhov was able to play the six-string guitar. However, she did not officially speak to her. The musician was engaged in a guitar circle with a well-known enthusiast - Kovalsky VM String instrument was not his only hobby. In addition to playing on it, Sergei was engaged in drawing, from fourteen to sixteen he studied at the circus school, but one of the performances, unfortunately, failed, damaged his hand.

Guitarist Sergei Orekhov was so strong in spirit,he was in love with creativity, that even the disease - polyarthritis at an early stage (he was sent by radio operator to serve in the army near Leningrad, where he caught a severe cold, did not stop him from doing music.) As a result he received a severe form of the disease. After the army he studied for two years at the Gnesinsky educational institution in Moscow (the most prestigious university for musicians).


Sergey nuts guitarist
In 1956 he began to work with the Pearl Raisa(a gypsy romance performer) in the Moscow Concert until her retirement, namely seven years. Next, I spoke with my wife Tishinina Nadezhda Andreevna. She performed old romances and gypsy songs. They got married when the outstanding guitarist was 28 years old.

Sergei was an accompanist of AlexanderVertinsky, Vadim Kozin, Galina Kareva, Sophia Timofeeva and Tatyana Filimonova (performers of Romany romances). Performed a duet with the famous singer and composer Anatoly Shamardin. Many consider this association very successful and harmonious, as well as interesting, enjoyable in listening. He was also praised for his work with Alexei Perfiliev in a jazz and gypsy ensemble called "Djang", which was headed by Nikolai Erdenko, a violinist and a famous singer. Subsequently, a joint duo of Sergei Orekhov and Alexei Perfiliev was organized. And the latter specialized in a six-string guitar. He composed many songs and songs. I rewrote repertoires for a six-string guitar, because this kind of instrument was very popular at that time.


sergey nuts guitar
We have already discussed in general terms whoSergey Orekhov. Guitar for him was the meaning of life. Together with her, they visited many countries and gained fame throughout the globe. He performed solo in the following states: Germany, Yugoslavia, and also in France. Even greater glory rushed to the guitarist seven-string after an outstanding solo performance in Poland. At the festival, Sergei Orekhov remembered much of his virtuosity, and was subsequently invited to the United States of America, as well as, to Greece. Subsequently, the notes under his processing were published in the United States. He recorded his musical works in Paris, which is just as prestigious and unique. Despite the fact that Sergei had limited access to television, he still appeared on TV a couple of times. He died at the age of 62 due to a heart attack.

From the first person

sergei nuts
The musician believes that the true Russian guitar -7-string guitar. Only it can convey through the game all the virtuosity of the Russian people, the whole unique character and patriotism. He was a little upset that the six-string guitar was more popular with enthusiastic guitarists. It is curious that the young musicians incredibly sought to attend the concert of our hero, even if he played solo one or two pieces. Once in our country, toured world-renowned Spanish guitarist Paco de Lucia. He was asked which of his local colleagues he would like to meet. The Spanish musician confidently replied that he needed only Nuts.

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