For 6 seasons the actors of "Two girls in the shallows" fascinated viewers around the world

Actors of "Two girls in the shallows" a few seasonsmanaged to amuse their fans and just viewers of the series. In each series, good humor was reinforced by the intrigue surrounding the dreams of the heroines - will they be able to save money for their own business?

Anne Bers

A permanent participant in school productions decidesbecome an actress as a child. Anne Bers stepped onto the stage for the first time at the age of 4 years at the behest of her parents. Later, she will study acting in a specialized class with a dramatic bias. Already at the age of 19 she entered theatrical faculty at the prestigious University of California without hesitation.

Anne Bers was born in 1985 in thean educated family of school workers in a small American town. Her mother was a teacher, and my father was an administrator. With such parents the girl will receive a good education and upbringing.

actors two girls on the rocks

In adolescence, the girl will showenviable external data, and the career of the actress will become an even more logical choice. Ann will have time to participate in the beauty contest and will play the first role in 24 years in a comedy film. From that moment she will appear in several large television projects.

7 years career

After her acting debut in one of the sequels"American Pie" on the girl drew the attention of the most eminent directors from major projects. Further, beneficial invitations will follow, and the girl will allow herself to choose the most interesting roles. But the attractive appearance limited her role in the frame. She plays bright beauties with limited intelligence. Ann remains in demand for an actress for more than 7 years with equal success with the public and critics. In the lead roles, the actors "Two girls in the shallows" got a chance to recognize the wide audience of fans of comedy series. The heroine's heroine, Caroline Channing, was no exception. She quickly becomes one of the most recognizable actresses on television.

Cat Dennings

The decision to become an actress Kat Dennings acceptedyourself. Parents at first were even against such a choice of the girl. But still, they moved with her daughter to Los Angeles for her career in film. Her dad is one of the leading microbiologists in the world, and her mother is a famous poetess. In such an educated family, Cat Dennings receives a good upbringing. A gifted girl in home schooling will pass the school program significantly faster than their peers.

The first introduction to work in the frame of herhappened in the children's commercial. She often starred in such a video and already in her teens did not think herself without an acting career. At age 14, she is lucky to appear in one of the episodes of the legendary series "Sex and the City", then she will draw attention.

the actors of the series are two girls on the rocks
Invitation to the series about two friends received in 25 years, the actors "Two girls in the shallows" will gather a lot of laudatory reviews. And they will also receive audience recognition.

Other main actors of the series "Two girls in the shallows":

  • Sophie Kuchenski;
  • Earl;
  • Oleg;
  • Han Lee.

All of them are very talented.

Actors "Two girls in the shallows" in the frame repeated the fate of many of the same girls around the world who can learn in the series themselves.

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