The film "The Cranes Are Flying": actors, roles

A special event in the Soviet cinemabecame the premiere of the film "The Cranes Are Flying." Actors after the release of the picture gained worldwide fame. An important role in the creation of films was played by camera work. As for the plot, the lyricism in the domestic cinema about the war was not until the premiere of the film "The Cranes Are Flying." Actors and the role of the film are the topic of the article.

flying cranes actors

History of creation

Mikhail Kalatozov - director of the film "Flyingcranes ". Actors - Alexei Batalov and Tatyana Samoilova. Once Mikhail Kalatozov in his hands got a literary magazine with the work of Rozov. The play was called "Forever Alive". The very next day the director talked with the author of the work. Before that, Rozov had never written scripts, but nevertheless agreed unconditionally.

film is flying cranes actors


What is the story about "The Cranes Are Flying"? The actors who played in it created a piercing duo. The first episodes show the night of June 22nd. Boris and Veronica - the heroes of the picture - stroll along the Moscow embankment. In the sky cranes are flying ...

Actors are surprisingly harmonious look on the screen. Perhaps this is the success of this domestic drama. The film begins with a description of the first day of the war. Boris can use his armor, but he does not do it, but goes to the front. At parting, he gives Veronika a toy in the shape of a squirrel. This is the only thing that the girl remains after the bombing of the house where her parents die.

There is no news from Boris. The heroine Samoilova marries, for which after the premiere of the film will be subjected to angry criticism. Spouse Veronica - a relative of Boris, who received a reservation for the brunt. When Veronica finds out about who her husband really is, divorces him. In addition, working in the hospital, she learns about how bride soldiers hate, who did not wait for their fiancees from the front. Veronica tries to rush from the bridge, but suddenly sees a boy who almost falls under the wheels of a truck. The girl saves the child. The boy is called Boris. The heroine Samoylova takes him to her home.

Veronica is waiting for Boris. She believes that he is alive. Until the train arrives in Moscow with the front-line soldiers. Veronica goes on the platform of the station and gives out flowers to those who returned. And over Moscow at these moments the cranes are flying ...

the cranes are flying actors and roles


For the role of Veronika originally wanted the directorapprove Elena Dobronravova. But one day the cameraman saw Samoilov in one of the films and showed her photo to Kalatozov. The director approved the candidacy of the young actress. He doubted that Samoylova could play a tragic role in the film "Flying Cranes", only the writer Rozov. However, after the release of the picture on the screens, he realized that his doubts were groundless.

On the role of Boris was without testing AlexeiBatalov. Later, the actor suggested that Kalatozov invited him to take pictures in his film just because he organically looked next to Samoylova.

After the premiere of the film, the actress received a lotproposals not only from domestic filmmakers, but also from foreign ones. But as you know, it was almost impossible for a Soviet actress to appear in a film of foreign production. Other actors who took part in the shootings:

  1. Alexander Shvorin.
  2. Vasily Merkuriev.
  3. Antonina Bogdanova.
  4. Valentin Zubkov.

Operator's work

The work of Urusevsky was selfless. The operator went on unthinkable sacrifices in order to create an unusual, bright frame. In those years, the equipment used by filmmakers only remotely resembled the modern one. For Urusevsky built a special device, in which he was during the filming of the famous episode, when the hero Batalov climbs the stairs. The operator shot the actor, and at that time he was raised on special ropes up. The death of Boris on the tape was even more difficult.

film is flying cranes actors and roles

Artists were also given a shooting is not easy. Samoilova fell ill with tuberculosis. The actress did injections every three hours. Batalov fell during one of the filming and cut his face.

The film "The Cranes Are Flying," the actors and roles of whichpresented in the article, received a prize at the Cannes Film Festival. The film was watched in America, France, England. Artists who played the main characters, became famous throughout the world. Samoilova could participate in the filming of several foreign paintings. But she was not allowed to go abroad.

The film of Kalatozov became a classic of Soviet cinema. This picture combines lyricism, patriotism, motives of loyalty and devotion. There are not many such films about the war in the domestic cinema.

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